

我正在构建一些本地运行的CSS驱动的站点地图,用于审核巨大的Intranet站点.我已经对该功能进行了编码,以打开一个上下文菜单,该菜单提供用于更新index.html DOM的选项.我想将这些更改保存到index.html.

I'm building a little locally run CSS driven site map for auditing a huge intranet site. I've already coded the ability, to bring up a context menu which provides for options to make updates to the DOM of index.html. I would like to save these changes to index.html.


I know JavaScript doesn't allow manipulation to the client file system, but I've also read in places that it is allowed if the JavaScript is retrieved from the local machine.


Can anyone confirm this and point me in the right direction on how this can be done WITHOUT setting up a local server?


可以使用Filewriter对象写入本地文件系统,如下所述: http://www.html5rocks.com/zh-CN/tutorials/file/filesystem/

It is possible to write to the local filesystem using the Filewriter object, as described here: http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/file/filesystem/


08-18 10:39