学习 html5 的东西.真是太棒了!想知道 timeupdate 事件多久触发一次.
Learning html5 stuff. It's pretty awesome! Wondering how often the timeupdate event fires.
旁注:js 视频 api 有很多有趣的可能性.例如,可以使用 ctrl + F 来搜索视频.运行语音识别作为视频处理的一部分,然后创建一个长键值存储,以时间戳作为键和单词作为值,并编写一个函数来搜索这些单词的实例,但返回时间戳并寻找您的视频.无论如何,这只是 youtube 应该加入的一个疯狂想法.
SIDE NOTE: There are so many interesting possibilities with the js video api. For instance, it might be possible to use ctrl + F to search through video. Run a voice recognition as part of video processing, then create a long key value store with timestamps as keys and words as values, and write a function that searches for instances of those words, but returns timestamps and seeks your video. Anyways, that's just one crazy idea youtube should jump on.
任何有关 timeupdate 的帮助都会很棒!
Any help with timeupdate would be awesome!
根据 这个 Bugzilla 页面:
Firefox 每帧触发一次 timeupdate 事件.Safari 5 和 Chrome 6 每 250 毫秒触发一次.Opera 10.50 每 200 毫秒触发一次.
这篇关于html5 视频的 timeupdate 事件多久触发一次的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!