


How can I draw a barplot for means, while controlling for other variables through regression -- in a split-bars-by-vars fashion?


I conduct a research to figure out which fruit is more likable: mango, banana, or apple. To this end, I go ahead and sample 100 people at random. I ask them to rate, on a scale of 1-5, the degree of liking each of the fruits. I also collect some demographic information about them: gender, age, education level, and whether they are colorblind or not because I think color vision might alter the results. But my problem is that after data collection, I realize that my sample might not represent the general population well. I have 80% males while in the population sex is more evenly split. Education level in my sample is pretty uniform, even though in the population it's more common to hold only highschool diploma than have a PhD. Age is not representative as well.


Therefore, just calculating means for fruit liking based on my sample is likely to be limited in terms of generalizing conclusions to the population level. One way to deal with this problem is by running a multiple regression to control for the biased demographics data.


I want to plot the results of the regression(s) in a barplot, where I split bars (side-by-side) according to color vision levels (colorblind or not).



fruit_liking_df <-
    id = 1:100,
    i_love_apple = sample(c(1:5), 100, replace = TRUE),
    i_love_banana = sample(c(1:5), 100, replace = TRUE),
    i_love_mango = sample(c(1:5), 100, replace = TRUE),
    age = sample(c(20:70), 100, replace = TRUE),
    is_male = sample(c(0, 1), 100, prob = c(0.2, 0.8), replace = TRUE),
    education_level = sample(c(1:4), 100, replace = TRUE),
    is_colorblinded = sample(c(0, 1), 100, replace = TRUE)

> as_tibble(fruit_liking_df)

## # A tibble: 100 x 8
##       id i_love_apple i_love_banana i_love_mango   age is_male education_level is_colorblinded
##    <int>        <int>         <int>        <int> <int>   <dbl>           <int>           <dbl>
##  1     1            3             5            2    50       1               2               0
##  2     2            3             3            1    49       1               1               0
##  3     3            2             1            5    70       1               1               1
##  4     4            2             2            5    41       1               3               1
##  5     5            3             1            1    49       1               4               0
##  6     6            5             2            1    29       0               1               0
##  7     7            4             5            5    35       1               3               0
##  8     8            1             3            5    24       0               3               0
##  9     9            2             4            2    55       1               2               0
## 10    10            3             4            2    69       1               4               0
## # ... with 90 more rows


fruit_liking_df_for_barplot <-
  fruit_liking_df %>%
    cols = c(i_love_apple, i_love_banana, i_love_mango),
    names_to = "fruit",
    values_to = "rating") %>%
  select(id, fruit, rating, everything())

ggplot(fruit_liking_df_for_barplot, aes(fruit, rating, fill = as_factor(is_colorblinded))) +
  stat_summary(fun = mean,
               geom = "bar",
               position = "dodge") +
  ## errorbars
  stat_summary(fun.data = mean_se,
               geom = "errorbar",
               position = "dodge") +
  ## bar labels
    aes(label = round(..y.., 2)),
    fun = mean,
    geom = "text",
    position = position_dodge(width = 1),
    vjust = 2,
    color = "white") +
  scale_fill_discrete(name = "is colorblind?",
                      labels = c("not colorblind", "colorblind")) +
  ggtitle("liking fruits, without correcting for demographics")
  • 我将校正人口中的平均年龄45

  • I will correct for the average age in the population which is 45


I will correct for the correct 50-50 split for sex

我将更正普通教育水平,即高中(数据中编码为 2 )

I will correct for the common education level that is highschool (coded 2 in my data)


I also have a reason to believe that age affects the liking of fruits in a non-linear way, so I will account for that as well.

lm(水果〜I(年龄-45)+ I((年龄-45)^ 2)+ I(是男性-0.5)+ I(教育程度-2)


I will run the three fruits data (apple, banana, mango) through the same model, extract the intercept, and consider that as the corrected mean after controlling for the demographics data.


dep_vars <- c("i_love_apple",

regresults_only_colorblind <-
  lapply(dep_vars, function(dv) {
    tmplm <-
        get(dv) ~ I(age - 45) + I((age - 45)^2) + I(is_male - 0.5) + I(education_level - 2),
        data = filter(fruit_liking_df, is_colorblinded == 1)

    broom::tidy(tmplm) %>%
      slice(1) %>%
      select(estimate, std.error)

data_for_corrected_barplot_only_colorblind <-
  regresults_only_colorblind %>%
  bind_rows %>%
  rename(intercept = estimate) %>%
  add_column(dep_vars, .before = c("intercept", "std.error"))

## # A tibble: 3 x 3
##   dep_vars      intercept std.error
##   <chr>             <dbl>     <dbl>
## 1 i_love_apple       3.07     0.411
## 2 i_love_banana      2.97     0.533
## 3 i_love_mango       3.30     0.423


       aes(x = dep_vars, y = intercept)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", width = 0.7, fill = "firebrick3") +
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = intercept - std.error, ymax = intercept + std.error),
                width = 0.2) +
  geom_text(aes(label=round(intercept, 2)), vjust=1.6, color="white", size=3.5) +
  ggtitle("liking fruits after correction for demogrpahics \n colorblind subset only")
dep_vars <- c("i_love_apple",

regresults_only_colorvision <-
  lapply(dep_vars, function(dv) {
    tmplm <-
        get(dv) ~ I(age - 45) + I((age - 45)^2) + I(is_male - 0.5) + I(education_level - 2),
        data = filter(fruit_liking_df, is_colorblinded == 0) ## <- this is the important change here

    broom::tidy(tmplm) %>%
      slice(1) %>%
      select(estimate, std.error)

data_for_corrected_barplot_only_colorvision <-
  regresults_only_colorvision %>%
  bind_rows %>%
  rename(intercept = estimate) %>%
  add_column(dep_vars, .before = c("intercept", "std.error"))

       aes(x = dep_vars, y = intercept)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", width = 0.7, fill = "orchid3") +
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = intercept - std.error, ymax = intercept + std.error),
                width = 0.2) +
  geom_text(aes(label=round(intercept, 2)), vjust=1.6, color="white", size=3.5) +
  ggtitle("liking fruits after correction for demogrpahics \n colorvision subset only")

这主要是关于 ggplot 和图形的问题.但是,可以看出,我的方法很长(即不简洁)并且是重复的.尤其是相对于仅以未经校正的方式获取barplot的简便性而言,如开头所述.如果有人对如何使代码更短,更简单有想法,我将感到非常高兴.

This is primarily a question about ggplot and graphics. However, as can be seen, my method is long (i.e., not concise) and repetitive. Especially relative to the simplicity of just getting barplot for uncorrected means, as demonstrated in the beginning. I will be very happy if someone has also ideas on how to make the code shorter and simpler.



I'm not convinced that you're getting out the statistical quantities that you want when fit the model on the data subsets. A better way to ask the questions you want to ask would be with a more complete model (include blindness in the model) and then compute model contrasts for differences in the mean score between each group.


That being said, here is some code that does what you want.

  • 首先我们 pivot_longer 水果列,以便您的数据采用长格式.
  • 然后我们 group_by 水果类型和失明变量,并调用 nest ,这为我们提供了每种水果类型和失明类别的单独数据集.
  • 然后,我们使用 purrr :: map 将模型拟合到每个数据集.
  • broom :: tidy broom :: confint_tidy 为我们提供了模型所需的统计信息.
  • 然后,我们需要取消模型摘要的嵌套,并专门过滤掉与截距相对应的行.
  • 我们现在拥有创建图形所需的数据,其余的留给您.
  • First we pivot_longer the fruit columns so that your data is in long format.
  • Then we group_by the fruit type and the blindness variables and call nest which gives us separate datasets for each fruit type and blindness categories.
  • We then use purrr::map to fit a model to each of those datasets.
  • broom::tidy and broom::confint_tidy give us the statistics we want for the models.
  • Then we need to unnest the model summaries and filter down specifically to the rows which correspond to the intercept.
  • We now have the data we need to create the figure, I'll leave the rest to you.


fruit_liking_df <-
    id = 1:100,
    i_love_apple = sample(c(1:5), 100, replace = TRUE),
    i_love_banana = sample(c(1:5), 100, replace = TRUE),
    i_love_mango = sample(c(1:5), 100, replace = TRUE),
    age = sample(c(20:70), 100, replace = TRUE),
    is_male = sample(c(0, 1), 100, prob = c(0.2, 0.8), replace = TRUE),
    education_level = sample(c(1:4), 100, replace = TRUE),
    is_colorblinded = sample(c(0, 1), 100, replace = TRUE)

model_fits <- fruit_liking_df %>%
  pivot_longer(starts_with("i_love"), values_to = "fruit") %>%
  group_by(name, is_colorblinded) %>%
  nest() %>%
  mutate(model_fit = map(data, ~ lm(data = .x, fruit ~ I(age - 45) +
                                      I((age - 45)^2) +
                                      I(is_male - 0.5) +
                                      I(education_level - 2))),
         model_summary = map(model_fit, ~ bind_cols(broom::tidy(.x), broom::confint_tidy(.x))))

model_fits %>%
  unnest(model_summary) %>%
  filter(term == "(Intercept)") %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = name, y = estimate, group = is_colorblinded,
             fill = as_factor(is_colorblinded), colour = as_factor(is_colorblinded))) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = position_dodge(width = .95)) +
  geom_errorbar(stat = "identity", aes(ymin = conf.low, ymax = conf.high),
                colour = "black", width = .15, position = position_dodge(width = .95))


如果您希望拟合一个模型(因此,增加样本量并减少估计值的se).您可以将is_colorblind作为 factor 的因素拉入模型.

In the case where you'd rather fit a single model (thus increasing sample size and reducing se of your estimates). You could pull is_colorblind into the model as a factor.

lm(data = .x, fruit ~ I(age - 45) +
 I((age - 45)^2) + I(is_male - 0.5) +
 I(education_level - 2) +


You would then want to get predictions for two observations, the "average person who is colorblind" and the "average person who is not colorblind":

new_data <- expand_grid(age = 45, is_male = .5,
                        education_level = 2.5, is_colorblinded = c(0,1))

然后,您可以像以前一样进行操作,使新模型适合某些功能编程,但使用 group_by(name)代替 name is_colorblind

You could then do as before, fitting the new model with some functional programming, but group_by(name) instead of name and is_colorblind.

model_fits_ungrouped <- fruit_liking_df %>%
  pivot_longer(starts_with("i_love"), values_to = "fruit") %>%
  group_by(name) %>%
  tidyr::nest() %>%
  mutate(model_fit = map(data, ~ lm(data = .x, fruit ~ I(age - 45) +
                                      I((age - 45)^2) +
                                      I(is_male - .5) +
                                      I(education_level - 2) +
         predicted_values = map(model_fit, ~ bind_cols(new_data,
                                                       as.data.frame(predict(newdata = new_data, .x,
                                                                             type = "response", se.fit = T))) %>%
                                  rowwise() %>%
                                  mutate(estimate =  fit,
                                         conf.low =  fit - qt(.975, df) * se.fit,
                                         conf.high = fit + qt(.975, df) * se.fit)))


With this you would make a minor change to the old plotting code:

model_fits_ungrouped %>%
  unnest(predicted_values) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = name, y = estimate, group = is_colorblinded,
             fill = as_factor(is_colorblinded), colour = as_factor(is_colorblinded))) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = position_dodge(width = .95)) +
 geom_errorbar(stat = "identity", aes(ymin = conf.low, ymax = conf.high),
                colour = "black", width = .15, position = position_dodge(width = .95))


When you compare the two plots, grouped and subgrouped, you'll notice that the confidence intervals shrink and the estimates for the means mostly get closer to 3. This would be seen as a sign that we are doing a bit better than the subgrouped model, since we know the ground truth with regards to the sampled distributions.


08-11 17:11