是否可以在 Actionscript 3 中创建对对象的弱引用,以便可以对其进行垃圾回收.
Is it possible in Actionscript 3 to create a weak reference to an object, so that it can be garbage collected.
I'm creating some classes to make debugging easier, so I don't want the objects to hang around in memory if they are only referenced here (and of course I don't want to fill the code with callbacks to remove the objects)
Grant Skinner 在 ActionScript 3 中的资源管理,在该系列的第三部分中,他介绍了 WeakReference 和 WeakProxyReference 可用于此目的的辅助类.
Grant Skinner has written an excellent series of articles on resource management in ActionScript 3, and in the third part of that series he introduces the WeakReference and the WeakProxyReference helper classes that can be used for this.