

我正在使用WPF CollectionView,并且将筛选器设置在后台线程中,因为应用该筛选器需要很长时间。

I'm using a WPF CollectionView and I'm setting the Filter in a background thread, because it takes a long time to apply this filter.


Setting this Filter triggers the method ScheduleMapCleanup() of CollectionView (so WPF framework code I can't change). In this method, Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.BeginInvoke is used.


However, because this is executed in a background thread, this Action is never executed (the Dispatcher of this thread is never started), causing a memory leak: The Dispatcher keeps a reference to the CollectionView.


How could I work around this problem? Setting the Filter in the UI thread is not an option.


Could I start the Dispatcher myself? If so, how do I do this (Dispatcher.Run halts everything)?


要明确:我不使用我的代码中的Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher。 WPF框架代码中使用了此代码,因此无法更改。

To be clear: I don't use Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher in my code. This is used in the WPF framework code, so I can't change this.This code is executed in a background thread because I'm setting the Filter in a background thread. I'm setting this property in a background thread because it can take up to several minutes. Setting it in a background thread keeps the UI responsive and lets me show a loading indication to the user.


I fixed the memory leak (caused by the not-running background Dispatcher keeping a reference to the CollectionView) by adding a Shutdown to the Dispatcher and starting the dispatcher in the background thread:

//All code below is executed on a background thread

//Line below causes WPF framework to add something to Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher queue.
view.Filter = new Predicate<Object>(actionTarget.FilterCallback);

if (Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground &&  Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher != Application.Current.Dispatcher)

如果稍后重新使用后台线程(例如,因为它是线程池线程) ,由BackgroundWorker启动),您不能像上面的代码那样使用BeginInvokeShutdown:无法再次启动关闭的调度程序。在这种情况下,请使用此方法代替BeginInvokeShutdown:

If the background thread is reused later (for example because it's a thread pool thread, started by a BackgroundWorker) you can't use BeginInvokeShutdown like in the code above: a shut down dispatcher can not be started again. In that case, use this instead of the BeginInvokeShutdown:

Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action) delegate() { Dispatcher.ExitAllFrames(); }, DispatcherPriority.Background);


This will make sure the Run() method returns, but the dispatcher can be started again later on.


As Mitch mentioned in comment below, be carefull when multiple threads can be executing the Run() at the same time. If necessary add a lock around the Run().


08-15 08:35