


I am uploading the contents of a folder using the below. When it starts I get a bunch of pop up progress bars. Is there a way to stop this?

My.Computer.Network.UploadFile(CurrentFile," ftp://xxx.xxx。 xxx.xxx"&" / transfer /" + New IO.FileInfo(CurrentFile).Name," user"," password",True,500,FileIO.UICancelOption.DoNothing)

My.Computer.Network.UploadFile(CurrentFile, "ftp://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" & "/transfer/" + New IO.FileInfo(CurrentFile).Name, "user", "password", True, 500, FileIO.UICancelOption.DoNothing)


My.Computer.Network.UploadFile(CurrentFile," ftp://xxx.xxx。 xxx.xxx"&" / transfer /" + New IO.FileInfo(CurrentFile).Name," user"," password",True,500,FileIO.UICancelOption.DoNothing)

My.Computer.Network.UploadFile(CurrentFile, "ftp://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" & "/transfer/" + New IO.FileInfo(CurrentFile).Name, "user", "password", True, 500, FileIO.UICancelOption.DoNothing)

如果您使用 WebClient ,您可以更好地控制正在发生的事情。

If you use a WebClient, you have a lot more control over what's going on.

例如,上传你可以使用。 方法。还有
您可能想要查看 - 然后您可以设置使用它的事件。

For example, for uploading you might use the .UploadFile method. There's also anasync version of it you might want to look into - then you can set up events that use it.


07-30 22:34