


I am trying to implement Handlers listening on the same Looper from different threads.


Below I have two Handlers, one created in the main thread, another in the child thread, however both are initialized to listen on the Main Looper.

private Handler mMain;
public static final ThreadPoolExecutor tpe =
        (ThreadPoolExecutor) Executors.newCachedThreadPool();

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    mMain = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()) {
        public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
            Log.wtf("", "main:" + msg);

    tpe.execute(new Runnable() {
        private Handler tChild = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()) {
            public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
                Log.wtf("", "child:" + msg);

        public void run() {
            Log.wtf("", "send msg to main looper");


But when I send a message like below, only the child handler prints the message. The main handler does not receive the message.

03-20 22:02:26.754: A/(12857): send msg to main looper
03-20 22:02:26.847: A/(12857): child:{ what=100 when=-8ms }


What am I doing wrong? Thank you for reading.



Each Handler instance controls the Message target and there is no way to get them to share, so every message or post sent to a Handler is only executed by that instance.

尺蠖表示的哪个线程消息/发送将被执行的可运行。在您的code,这两种处理程序将执行的handleMessage()在主线程中,尽管在单独的线程创建。这是你可以通过一个尺蠖实例给处理程序 ...如果你没有传递<$ C的真正原因$ C>尺蠖,,然后处理程序将在创建它的线程上执行code(其中的必须也可以是尺蠖线程)。

The Looper indicates which thread the messages/runnables sent will be executed on. In your code, both Handlers will execute handleMessage() on the main thread, despite being created on separate threads. That is the real reason you can pass a Looper instance to a Handler...if you pass no Looper, then the Handler will execute code on the thread in which it was created (which must also be a Looper thread).

此外,因为这个没有必要创建多个处理程序以这种方式发布的数据。一个处理程序被设计为在多线程发送的消息,而且都是在的MessageQueue 序列化和执行上所选择的尺蠖线程。您可以直接从后台线程发布到 mMain 来在该线程中执行code。在这种情况下,通过了尺蠖是多余的那个code已经在主线程。

Furthermore, because of this there isn't reason to create multiple Handlers to post data in this manner. A single Handler is designed to be sent messages from multiple threads, and they are all serialized in a MessageQueue and executed on the chosen Looper thread. You can post directly to mMain from the background thread to execute code on that thread. In this case, passing the Looper is redundant at that code is already on the main thread.


07-30 22:31