


I am new(2 days!!) to the world of JavaScript and my only prior coding experience is in Java where execution of statements takes place sequentially.I understand that or at least I've read that JavaScript is asynchronous which means that if there is a statement that takes a long time to execute, the next statement is executed without holding up the program for the first statement.I came across callbacks(a lot actually!!) but I couldn't see how they could be used to determine the order of execution. I wrote a piece of code just to understand how it could be done and I sure could use some help.


function Test(callback){
       console.log("Something that takes a lot of time");

function tstCallBack(){
    console.log("Should come last");



Something that takes a lot of time
Should come last


Should come last
Something that takes a lot of time


Is there anything I can do to get the output in the way I want it?



Let's clear some things up in what you said:


This is not how it works. A given function is either asynchronous or its synchronous by design. It has absolutely nothing to do with how long it takes to execute. You can have a very quick async function or a very long synchronous function. What determines whether the function is asynchronous or not is how it is designed. If it uses async I/O or timers or any other async infrastructure, then at least some of the execution of the function is asynchronous. That means that some of the function will finish LATER and some of the code right after this function call will execute BEFORE the async portion finishes.


Callbacks are used to notify the calling code when some asynchronous operation has completed. This can be used either to consume the result of the asynchronous operation or can be used to execute the next piece of code that wants to run in sequence after the async operation has finished.


In your code example, if you want the desired sequence, then you must call the callback inside the setTimeout() callback so that it gets called AFTER the setTimeout() called executes, thus giving you the desired sequence.


You also have to remove the callback argument to the setTimeout callback. That callback is not passed with that argument so declaring it there is just wrong. It can be accessed directly from the parent function via a closure as shown here:


function Test(callback){
       console.log("Something that is asynchronous");
       // call the callback here to indicate to the calling code
       // that the asynchronous operation is now complete
   console.log("After Setting Timer");

function tstCallBack(){
    console.log("Should come last");



This will generate a sequence in the console of:





Conceptually, the Javascript engine runs a single thread and that single thread uses an event queue. So, in your function above, this is what happens.

  1. 第一个console.log("Beginning");被执行.
  2. Test(tstCallback)被调用.
  3. 作为执行Test()功能的一部分,计划了一个计时器.这会在JS引擎内部注册一个计时器.
  4. 继续执行Test()中的代码,执行console.log("After Setting Timer");,然后该函数结束.
  5. 当前JS执行线程完成,并且如果事件队列中没有其他内容,则JS引擎无需执行任何操作,而是等待下一个事件发生.
  6. 稍后(设置计时器的5秒),内部计时器将触发,并将计时器事件放入JS事件队列中.
  7. 由于目前没有其他JS在执行,因此将计时器事件从事件队列中拉出并执行.这意味着将调用为计时器注册的原始回调.
  8. 在调用计时器回调时,它将执行console.log("Something that is asynchronous");行,然后调用callback().
  9. 然后调用您的tstCallback函数并执行console.log("Should come last");.
  10. 异步事件完成执行,并且JS引擎查看事件队列中是否还有其他事件.如果是这样,则将下一个事件从队列中拉出并运行.
  1. The first console.log("Beginning"); is executed.
  2. Test(tstCallback) is called.
  3. As part of executing the Test() function, a timer is scheduled. This registers a timer internal to the JS engine.
  4. The execution of code in Test() continues, console.log("After Setting Timer"); is executed and then that function finishes.
  5. The current thread of JS execution finishes and if there is nothing else in the event queue, then the JS engine has nothing to do, but wait for the next event to occur.
  6. Some time later (the 5 seconds that your timer is set for), the internal timer fires and it puts the timer event in the JS event queue.
  7. Since there is no other JS executing at the moment, the timer event is pulled out of the event queue and executed. This means that the original callback that was registered for the timer is called.
  8. As the timer callback is called, it executes the console.log("Something that is asynchronous"); line and then calls callback().
  9. Your tstCallback function is then called and console.log("Should come last"); is executed.
  10. The async event finishes execution and the JS engine looks to see if there are any more events in the event queue. If so, the next event is pulled out of the queue and it is run.


There are a number of very good references on how Javascript handles asynchronous operations:





08-19 22:44