本文介绍了从python中对AWS lambda的异步调用获取响应结果的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个AWS lambda函数,可以使用以下代码同步调用并返回结果

I have an AWS lambda function which I can call synchronously and get results back alright with below code

response = lambda_client.invoke(

响应有效载荷的类型为< botocore.response.StreamingBody对象,位于0x115fb3160> ,所以我使用下面的代码来提取有效的有效载荷.

The response Payload is of type <botocore.response.StreamingBody object at 0x115fb3160> So I use below code to extract the payload which works fine.

response_body = response['Payload']
response_str = response_body.read().decode('utf-8')
response_dict = eval(response_str)

现在,我需要异步调用我的lambda,因此我可以使用 InvocationType ='Event'

Now, I need to call my lambda asynchronously, so I change the invocation type with InvocationType='Event'

它给了我一个与以前相同类型的有效负载的响应,即 botocore.response.StreamingBody对象,但是我在这一行遇到了错误- response_dict = eval(response_str)

It gives me a response with payload of the same type as before, botocore.response.StreamingBody object but I am getting error with this line - response_dict = eval(response_str)


    response_dict = eval(response_str)
  File "<string>", line 0

SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing


What am I missing? If the response payload is same type as synchronous call, why is this parsing error? Any suggestion?


为清楚起见,我理解如果 InvocationType ='Event',那么我们只会得到 invoke 调用的状态,而不是lambda函数结果.但就我而言,我需要两者-启动lambda异步并在完成后返回结果.我怎么做?是将结果写回s3并定期检查唯一的选择吗?

For clarity, I understand that if the InvocationType='Event', then we only get the status of the invoke call, not the lambda function result. In my case though, I need both - launch the lambda async and get the result back when done. How do I do that? Is writing the result back to s3 and periodically checking that the only option?


InvocationType ='Event'意味着您没有得到响应.异步Lambda调用意味着您只想调用函数,而不必等待响应.来自该功能的响应有效负载被服务丢弃.

InvocationType='Event' means you aren't getting a response. An asynchronous Lambda invocation means you just want to invoke the function, not wait for the response. The response payload from the function is discarded by the service.


请注意,此处提到的 queue 是Lambda服务内部的队列,请勿与Amazon Simple Queue Service(SQS)混淆.

Note that the queue mentioned here is a queue inside the Lambda service, not to be confused with Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS).

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07-30 22:30