本文介绍了试图了解适用于Windows的Python IDE的状态的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 好吧,好吧。邮件列表不是最适合咆哮的地方( 博客更好),但它仍然比保留它更好。 $ b $我很沮丧。我寻找一个好的IDE来支持我的活动 - 在Windows环境下进行Python的开发 - 并不像我最初想象的那样成功。我对 有很大的限制我现在该怎么办;钱不是一种选择,而我现在的机器仍然有用,但是对于更高级的东西来说它还低于标准杆。这是我的 错误?大概。但这就是我所拥有的 - 一台500MHz的PC,64MB和 Win98 SE。它必须是Windows,由于我无法控制的原因(阅读 妻子和孩子:-)。 到目前为止我评估的所有IDE都有到目前为止显示某种类型的 showstopper。其中一些是可以修复的(我可以自己做),但是它不是这样的。即使对于开源项目,人们期望能够安装和运行的最少 。 到目前为止唯一的部分例外是Boa Constructor。 Riaan的响应速度很快,而且实施了很多东西。但是,它的价格远远不够完美。它很重,需要很长时间才能加载,并且有一些值得讨论的UI功能 - 有些人可能喜欢它,但我认为它们就像 更多比烦人的设计不一致。 DrPython表现出一些希望。但是,在我第一次尝试时我无法启动它 - 必须修补初始化代码。我的补丁是一个黑客, 所以我没有贡献回来。问题很简单,只是因为我的电脑无法用斜线处理路径 - 我必须将反斜杠传递给所有操作系统。* 。我以前从来没有遇到过这个问题,所以我不知道是不是这是我的Windows版本或Python的libray错误(我假设是 前)。我昨天很晚才设法启动它,但 没有立即尝试使用它。我现在再试一次,一旦我要求打开一个新文件,它就会被轰炸。我可以修理吗?可能。 但这不是重点 - 我应该为我的 客户提供代码。 我也是试过Wing IDE Personal。起初它工作正常;它是一点点 有点沉重,但是......一旦我试图保存一些文件它就会炸弹。 Haven没试过联系支持,因为我已经决定我可能会找到其他适合我账单的工具。现在我可能需要再次对它进行再次评估,但首先,它必须开始保存文件: - |。 其他非选项是eric3 - - 主要是因为我无法安装它,Qt 是Windows的商业用途。 有趣的是我不需要任何特别的东西花哨。一个好的Python编辑器,语法着色,一些助手(移动块& 的东西)。调试很好,但这不是我真正想念的。甚至形式 设计师 - 我可以没有它们。我真正想念的是 我认为是基本的:一个用于多个文件的标签编辑窗口,以及 a良好的项目经理界面 - 我可以找到所有的地方属于我的项目的文件,无论何时我必须做任何事情都不必在 目录树中移动。我可以使用 只使用命令行工具吗?可能,但它不舒服, 方便或富有成效。一个好的IDE会给我带来这三件我想要的东西。 现在,我仍然不得不求助于PythonWin满足我的所有需求。 这是一种耻辱,不是因为PythonWin不好(事实上它是一个非常棒的软件);但是因为Python值得更好。 - Carlos Ribeiro Consultoria em Projetos blog : http://rascunhosrotos.blogspot.com 博客: http://pythonnotes.blogspot.com 邮件: ca ******** @ gmail.com 邮件: ca ******** @ yahoo.com 解决方案 我建​​议你 http:// www.scintilla.org/ - 问候, Alberto Santini Carlos Ribeiro < CA ******** @ gmail.com> ha scritto nel messaggio 新闻:ma ********************************* *** @ pyth on.org ... [snipped] 现在,我仍然需要依靠PythonWin需要。这是一种耻辱,不是因为PythonWin不好(事实上它是一个非常棒的软件);但是因为Python值得更好。 - Carlos Ribeiro Consultoria em Projetos 博客: http://rascunhosrotos.blogspot.com 博客: http://pythonnotes.blogspot.com mail: ca ** ******@gmail.com 邮件: ca ******* *@yahoo.com Alberto, 星期一,13 2004年9月23:09:44 +0200,Alberto Santini< [email protected]>写道:我建议你 http: //www.scintilla.org/ 这对我的特殊问题没有帮助......因为几乎是 *我尝试过的所有*编辑器已经通过各种 不同的绑定使用了Scintilla。事实上,Boa,Eric3,PythonWin *和* DrPython都使用了它。我不确定它的唯一工具是Komodo - 但是如果它也使用Scintilla作为文本编辑器 小部件我不会感到惊讶。我还下载了SciTE和其他几个基于Scintilla 的编辑器。 这里的问题不在于编辑器 - 是否支持 环境。我的应用程序仍然处于编程的早期阶段,并且已经在几个 目录中有几个不同的源代码文件。如果我使用像Delphi这样的工具,那么跟踪所有内容会相当容易。 。正如我所说,并不是我不能这样做 否则。根据我的个人经验,我知道一个好的工具可以节省大量的时间并为工作增加更多便利。 - Carlos Ribeiro Consultoria em Projetos 博客: http://rascunhosrotos.blogspot.com 博客: http://pythonnotes.blogspot.com mail: ca ******** @ gmail.com mail: ca ******** @ yahoo.com Carlos Ribeiro写道: 我很沮丧。我寻找一个好的IDE来支持我的活动 - 在Windows环境中为Python进行开发 - 并不像我最初的梦想那样成功。 如上所述,它相当完全可定制,易于添加新文件类型和适当的扩展名 我的几年前,当我开始学习C ++时,搜索一个好的IDE, 并找到了EditPlus, http://www.editplus.com/ - Oh well. A mailing list is not the most appropriate place for rants (ablog is better), but it''s still better than keeping it for myself.I''m frustrated. My search for a good IDE to support my activities --doing development for Python in the Windows environment -- are notbeing succesful as I had originally dreamt. I have big constraints onwhat can I do now; money is not an option, and my current machine isstill useful but it''s below par for more advanced stuff. It''s myfault? Probably. But it''s all that I have -- a 500MHz PC with 64MB andWin98 SE. It has to be Windows, for reasons beyond my control (readwife and kids :-).All IDEs I''ve evaluated so far have shown so far some type ofshowstopper. Some of them are fixable (I can do it myself), but it''snot supposed to be like this. Even for open source projects, the leastthat one expects is to be able to install and run.The only partial exception so far is Boa Constructor. Riaan isresponsive, and there is a lot of things implemented. However, it''sfar from perfect. It''s heavy, takes a long time to load, and has somedebatable UI features -- some may like it, but I think about them aslittle more than annoying design inconsistencies.DrPython has show some promise. However, on my first try I could notstart it -- had to patch the initialization code. My patch is a hack,so I haven''t contributed it back. The problem is simple, just that myPC just can''t handle paths with slashes -- I had to pass backslashesto all os.* calls. I never had this issue before, so I don''t know ifit''s my Windows version or Python''s libray fault (I assume theformer). I managed to start it yesterday very late at night, buthaven''t tried to use it immediately. I tried it again now, and it''sbombing as soon as I ask to open a new file. Can I fix it? Probably.But that''s not the point - I should be delivering code to mycustomers.I also tried Wing IDE Personal. At first it worked fine; it''s a littlebit heavy, but... as soon as I try to save some file it bombs, too.Haven''t tried to contact the support, because I had decided that Icould probably find other tool to fit my bill. Now I may need toreevaluate it once again, but first, it has to start saving files :-|.Other non-option is eric3 -- mainly because I can''t install it, Qtbeing commercial for Windows.The funny thing is that I don''t need anything particularly fancy. Agood Python editor, syntax coloring, a few helpers (moving blocks &stuff). Debugging is good, but it''s not what I really miss. Even formdesigners -- I could live without them. What I really miss are stuffthat I regard as basic: a tabbed editor window for multiple files, anda good project manager interface -- a place where I can find all thefiles belonging to my projects without having to move around thedirectory tree whenever I have to do anything. Could I do it usingonly command-line tools? Probably, but it''s not comfortable,convenient or productive. A good IDE would bring me these three thingsthat I''m longing for.For now, I''m still having to resort on PythonWin for all my needs.That''s a shame, not because PythonWin isn''t good (in fact it''s afantastic piece of software); but because Python deserves better.--Carlos RibeiroConsultoria em Projetosblog: http://rascunhosrotos.blogspot.comblog: http://pythonnotes.blogspot.commail: ca********@gmail.commail: ca********@yahoo.com 解决方案 I suggest you http://www.scintilla.org/--Regards,Alberto Santini"Carlos Ribeiro" <ca********@gmail.com> ha scritto nel messaggionews:ma**************************************@pyth on.org...[snipped] For now, I''m still having to resort on PythonWin for all my needs. That''s a shame, not because PythonWin isn''t good (in fact it''s a fantastic piece of software); but because Python deserves better. -- Carlos Ribeiro Consultoria em Projetos blog: http://rascunhosrotos.blogspot.com blog: http://pythonnotes.blogspot.com mail: ca********@gmail.com mail: ca********@yahoo.com Alberto,On Mon, 13 Sep 2004 23:09:44 +0200, Alberto Santini <[email protected]> wrote: I suggest you http://www.scintilla.org/It''s not going to help with my particular problem... because almost*all* editors that I''ve tried already use Scintilla through variousdifferent bindings. In fact, Boa, Eric3, PythonWin *and* DrPython alluse it. The only tool that I''m not sure about it is Komodo - but Iwouldn''t be surprised if it too used Scintilla as the text editorwidget. I also have downloaded SciTE and a couple other Scintillabased editors.The problem here is not with the editor -- is with the supportingenvironment. My app is still in the early stages of programming andalready has several different source code files in severaldirectories. Were I using a tool like Delphi, it would be fairly easyto keep track of everything. As I said, it''s not that I can''t do itotherwise. It''s just that I know from my personal experience that agood tool can save a lot of time and add more convenience to the job.--Carlos RibeiroConsultoria em Projetosblog: http://rascunhosrotos.blogspot.comblog: http://pythonnotes.blogspot.commail: ca********@gmail.commail: ca********@yahoo.comCarlos Ribeiro wrote: I''m frustrated. My search for a good IDE to support my activities -- doing development for Python in the Windows environment -- are not being succesful as I had originally dreamt. As mentioned, it''s rather fully customizable, easy to add a new file type and appropriate extensionsMy search for a good IDE ended years ago when I started learning C++,and found EditPlus, http://www.editplus.com/ -- 这篇关于试图了解适用于Windows的Python IDE的状态的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-01 08:31