这可能是一个新手问题,但希望您能帮助我. :)我有这样的东西:
This is probably a newbie question, but hope you can help me. :) I have something like this:
//try to do something there
catch (IOException e)
//handle the exception
我正在使用NetBeans IDE,由于某种原因,printStackTrace的下划线标有波浪线.当我按Alt + Enter时,提示应删除Throwable.printStackTrace().这是什么意思?谁能提供更多的见解,这可能意味着什么?还是我可以忽略这个?
I am using NetBeans IDE and for some reason the printStackTrace is underlined in a squiggly line. When I press Alt+Enter, it says Throwable.printStackTrace() should be removed. What does this mean? Could anyone give more insight as what this may mean? Or can I ignore this?
It is just a recommendation. In eclipse it is fine - I believe it is just the IDE telling you that there are more conventional methods of doing it, like some of the other answers.I find that it is useful for debugging, and that you should tell users when a fatal error is going to occur, to use a debug mode (like a console switch -d) to collect these logs.