

本文介绍了什么是 Cassandra 中的本地传输请求?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在 Datastax OpsCenter 中查看节点详细信息时:

When looking at node details in Datastax OpsCenter:

我们可以看到有 34903422 个本地传输请求",但有 1072 个被阻止.

We can see that there were 34903422 "native-transport-requests", but 1072 were blocked.

  • 有人能解释一下什么是本地传输请求吗?这与突变有什么关系?
  • 他们被屏蔽是否正常?这意味着什么?

顺便说一句.我们还可以看到删除了 93 个突变,我们知道这意味着什么:什么是 cassandra 中的突变?.

BTW. We can also see that there were 93 mutations dropped and we know what that means: What is mutation in cassandra?.


本机传输是 CQL 本机协议(与 Thrift 协议相对),并且是所有现代 Cassandra 驱动程序与服务器通信的方式.这包括所有读/写/架构更改/等......

The native transport is the CQL Native Protocol (as opposed to the Thrift Protocol) and is the way all modern Cassandra Driver's communicate with the server. This includes all reads/writes/schemachanges/etc ...

被阻塞的请求是一个等待其他事情完成才能运行的请求.实际上阻​​塞的 C* 操作很少,因此阻塞的总数应该非常低.总计数只是被阻止的所有请求在一段时间内的总和.

A blocked request is one that is sitting around waiting for something else to complete before it can run. Very few C* operations are actually blocking so the total blocked number should be very low. The total count is just the over time sum of all requests that were blocked.

这篇关于什么是 Cassandra 中的本地传输请求?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-30 21:38