本文介绍了Btrieve Date整数的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



我正在通过Pervasive Control Center从Btrieve文件(.dat)迁移数据,并且有一个定义为整数的字段类型但是是一个日期,例如日期'31 / 12/2009'(在遗留系统中看到)在导出时将其视为733772号。

I'm migrating data from a Btrieve file (.dat) through Pervasive Control Center and there is field type which is defined as integer but is a date and for example the date '31/12/2009' (seen in the legacy system) is view it as the number 733772 when I export it.


The legacy system shows the date correctly but I can't export it in the same format or at least I can't convert it. Does anybody know how to convert this number through Excel or something?


当我将733772分成365.2425(年中的天数考虑到闰年和二月的29天 - ),它回馈了2009年。

When I divided 733772 by 365.2425 (Number of days in year considering Leap year and 29 days of Feb - http://www.timeanddate.com/date/leapyear.html), it gave back 2009.

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07-30 21:36