

在采购模块中,我想生成以pdf报告形式打印在采购订单按钮中的详细信息.我的要求是如何在odoo 10中以excel格式打印报告?

In purchase module, I want to generate the details which is being printed in the purchase order button as a pdf report. My requirement is how to print the report in excel format in odoo 10?


您可以使用以下模块将当前树形视图导出为ex​​cel文件: web_export_view

You can export the current tree view as an excel file with this module: web_export_view

或者您可以使用其他模块来构建自己的excel报告: report_xls report_xlsx

Or you can build your own excel report with this other modules: report_xls report_xlsx

有些模块已经在使用report_xls模块,但是您可以在Odoo Apps或OCA存储库中查找它们

There are modules that already use the report_xls module, but you can look for them in the Odoo Apps or in the OCA repository


07-30 20:06