

我有一个测试类 MyTestClass 有几种典型的测试方法是做断言或检查异常和 @Test 。它们在运行时我叫下面的指令在Ant任务:

I have a test class MyTestClass with several typical test methods that do assertions or check for exceptions and are annotated with @Test. They run when I call the following directive in an Ant task:

<试验NAME =MyTestClass/>


However, in the same class I would like to situate several benchmark performance methods that are not included in the tests that must be passed. I would like to have an altogether separate Ant task that runs these benchmarking tests.

有每个类别分别介绍了测试这种分类和调用方式注释?例如。在 @Test 注解的方法将是1类,然后虚构 @Benchmark 方法就简单地记录诊断性能指标报告,这样做的断言被创造或打破。我想测试类是位于这些基准测试方法的最佳方式,但我不知道如何封装它们的调用Ant中,使他们单独运行。例如,是否有可能以preFIX用标杆每一种方法,并告诉Ant来运行只有那些与pfixed $ P $或者我可以写我自己的注释?方法

Is there an annotated way to introduce this classification of tests and invoke each category separately? E.g. the @Test annotated methods would be 1st class and then the fictitious @Benchmark methods would simply be logging performance metrics for diagnostics reporting, not do assertions that are make or break. I think the test class is the best way to situate these benchmarking methods, yet I don't know how to encapsulate their invocation in Ant so that they are run separately. E.g., is it possible to prefix each method with "benchmark" and tell Ant to run only methods that are prefixed with that or can I write my own annotation?



I think you probably want to look at JUnit Categories. There are other answers that detail how to execute specific categories from ant.

How运行属于某一类别的所有测试JUnit 4中


Some external links that may be of use:
Grouping tests using JUnit categories
A Closer Look at JUnit Categories


07-30 19:11