


Gherkin syntax files are just plain text so any editor such as notepad can be used. However, one of the more important things we are using this for is to provide tables of sample data. Without good formatting options the files become hard to read.

有一些很好的工具(见:) specflow.org或。开发人员使用eclipse的另一个选项在),它可以导入到notepad ++中,但对表格式无效。

Here is a syntax highlighter files (http://productive.me/develop/cucumbergherkin-syntax-highlighting-for-notepad/) that can be imported into notepad++ but it does nothing for table formatting.

有没有其他选项,我可能错过了允许非开发人员有效地编辑.feature gherkin文件?

Are there any other options that I might have missed for allowing non-developers to efficiently edit .feature gherkin files?



There seems to be a couple of projects in the works.

  • 这里有一个Gherkin编辑器测试版:(windows)

  • Cucumber的作者创建了一个(依赖于javascript,Ace和Node.js)。

  • There's a beta of a Gherkin editor here: http://gherkineditor.codeplex.com/ (windows)
  • Cucumber's author has created a web-based gherkin editor (relies on javascript, Ace and Node.js). Perhaps a bit more complicated to set up, but it could be integrated into a CMS or other web-based system.


Neither really substitutes for a conversation with your business domain experts.


10-10 20:14