

我知道图像的冒昧是在成千上万的开发人员每天使用的库中发现了一个错误。所以我认为我的标题问题的答案是NO !!!,但是......

I know that's presumptuous to image found a bug in a library used every day by thousands of developpers. So I think the answer to my title question is "NO !!!", but ...

我有一个对象,其中包含我从前端收到的日期(JS),我将它存储到MongoDB数据库中。我使用Spring来获取此对象(使用REST控制器),使用Spring来执行持久性(使用MongoDBRepository)。我的计算机配置了CEST时钟,因此GMT + 2(UTC +0200)。

I have an object containing a date that I receive from my front end (JS), and I store it into a MongoDB database. I use Spring to get this object (with a REST Controller), and Spring to perform persistance (with a MongoDBRepository). My computer is configured with a CEST clock, so GMT+2 (UTC +0200).


The date in my POJO is stored in a LocalDateTime.


class Test{
  LocalDateTime when;
  String data;
  // getter setters...


The following unit test show that Spring (which use jackson-jsr310) fill my LocalDateTime with an UTC Date Time.


List<com.robopec.models.Test> tests =  testRepository.findAll();
Assert.assertEquals(14, tests.get(0).getWhen().getHour());


We can see in the jackson source code LocalDateTimeDeserializer.java line 74 :

 return LocalDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.parse(string), ZoneOffset.UTC);

我们可以阅读 this:

But when I save in my database, spring use spring-data-commons to convert my LocalDateTime to a Date before storing the date in the database.We can read in spring-data-commons/../Jsr310Converters.java this :

public static enum LocalDateTimeToDateConverter implements Converter<LocalDateTime, Date> {
        public Date convert(LocalDateTime source) {
            return source == null ? null : Date.from(source.atZone(systemDefault()).toInstant());

因此,spring-data JSR310转换器将localdatetime解释为默认系统区域中的瞬间。

So, spring-data JSR310 Converters interpret a localdatetime as an instant in the default system zone.

问题是当我的前端发送2017-04-03T20:00:00Z时,REST控制器将其存储在具有以下时间的LocalDateTime:20:00:00。当mongo-data转换器将其转换为日期时,结果时间为20:00:00 + 0200(因为我的计算机处于CEST时区)。

The problem is that when my front end send "2017-04-03T20:00:00Z", the REST controller store it in a LocalDateTime with the following time : 20:00:00. And when the mongo-data converter convert it into a date, the resulting time is 20:00:00+0200 (because my computer is in CEST time zone).


My conclusion is that I shouldn't store my date in a LocalDateTime but rather in a Date (java.util) or in an Instant.



如果我没记错的话,最新版本的Java驱动程序对于mongoDB仍然使用java.util.Date来存储日期,所以使用Java 8时间api可能有点麻烦。

If I remember correctly, the latest version of the Java driver for mongoDB still use java.util.Date to store dates, so using the Java 8 time api can be a bit of a hassle.

在我工作的一个项目中,几个月前我从Joda Datetime切换到Java 8时间。我无法使用LocalDateTime,ZonedDateTime等等,所以我决定使用,它工作正常。请记住在您的日期(2017-03-31T14:20:28.000Z)使用ISO8601 Zulu表示法,这已经是您正在做的事情。

In one project I work on, I switched from Joda Datetime to the Java 8 time a few months ago. I couldn't get my way around with LocalDateTime, ZonedDateTime and so on, so I decided to go with Instant and it worked fine. Just remember to use the ISO8601 Zulu notation for your dates ("2017-03-31T14:20:28.000Z"), which is already what you're doing apparently.


07-30 18:49