


我的意思是,你可以为一个char分配内存*变量,或者说的char [25]变量?有什么不同?或者有文字......不能被操纵?......所以如果你要分配一个固定的字符串变量。像如果stringVariable为NULL:stringVariable =thisIsALiteralIsItNotSoWtf,那你怎么处理它


编辑:真正的问题似乎是,我的理解是,你必须为了完成甚至简单的事情忙里忙外,这些不同的结构。例如,只有的char * 可作为一个参数或返回值传递,但只有的char [] 可分配文字和修改。我觉得这是很明显,我们经常/总是需要能够做两件事,那就是我的缺陷是。


The lifetime of a malloc-ed string is not limited by the scope of its declaration. In plain language, you can return malloc-ed string from a function; you cannot do the same with char[25] allocated in the automatic storage, because its memory will be reclaimed upon return from the function.

String literals cannot be manipulated in place, because they are allocated in read-only storage. You need to copy them into a modifiable space, such as static, automatic, or dynamic one, in order to manipulate them. This cannot be done:

char *str = "hello";
str[0] = 'H'; // <<== WRONG! This is undefined behavior.

This will work:

char str[] = "hello";
str[0] = 'H'; // <<=== This is OK

This works too:

char *str = malloc(6);
strcpy(str, "hello");
str[0] = 'H'; // <<=== This is OK too

C compiler takes care of null termination for you: all string literals have an extra character at the end, filled with \0.


08-21 20:06