本文介绍了如何使用C ++从RAM运行可执行文件?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


如何使用C ++从RAM运行可执行文件?

How can I run an executable from RAM using C++?


The executable is in RAM, and I know the address, how do I call into the program from mine?


这种事情通常来自世界的黑暗角落。 ; - )

This sort of things comes normally out of the dark corners of the world. ;-)

与metasploit这样的工具结合使用将会很好的创建进程只是出了ram,所以一对夫妇试图重新实现所有发生的事情在CreateProcess()。过一段时间后,他们发现它太复杂了(请参阅 site 12f)得到这个工作,他们试图找到另一个解决方案,这里是:

In combination with tools like metasploit it would be great to create process just out of ram and so a couple of guys tried to reimplement all the stuff that happens down in CreateProcess(). After a while they just found out that it is much too complex (see this PDF site 12f) to get this to work and they tried to find another solution and here it is:They call a normal CreateProcess() with a common program (e.g. notepad.exe), but they start it with ThreadSuspended.Then they injected a new thread into this process, which will be filled up from memory. Afterwards they told this thread to run and so they got a new process filled from memory.


So this is just the big picture and it is a whole mess (and normally not the right way) to do this stuff. If you really interested in this part, then you have an idea to search for.

顺便说一下,不要以为你可以这样做在C#。这通常是在C / C ++或甚至汇编...

And by the way, don't think you can do this in C#. This is normally done in C/C++ or even Assembler...

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08-05 04:23