$ b
$(function(){$ b)如何将函数绑定到使用jQuery的HTML5 localStorage更改事件?
$ b $(window).bind('storage',function(e){
alert('storage changed');
localStorage .setItem('a','test');
更新:它适用于Firefox 3.6,但它在Chrome 8或IE 8中不起作用,所以问题应该更多'如何使用jQuery绑定到localStorage更改事件所有浏览器?'
换句话说,申通快递对于更新 localStorage
/stackoverflow.com/questions/4679023/bug-with-chromes-localstorage-implementation/4679754#4679754\">这个问题的答案包含更多细节。How do I bind a function to the HTML5 localStorage change event using jQuery?
$(function () {
$(window).bind('storage', function (e) {
alert('storage changed');
localStorage.setItem('a', 'test');
I've tried the above but the alert is not showing.
Update: It works in Firefox 3.6 but it doesn't work in Chrome 8 or IE 8 so the question should be more 'How to bind to localStorage change event using jQuery for all browsers?'
It turns out that this is actually working correctly and I have misinterpreted the specification
In other words, a storage event is fired on every window/tab except for the one that updated the localStorage
object and caused the event.
So the event was not fired because I only had one window/tab open. If I place the above code in a page and open the page in two tabs I would see the event fired in the second tab.
This answer on the problem contains more details.