

智能锁整合内的流动可能导致一个选择一个帐户莫代尔为新用户。在这个弹出式$ P $选择一个帐户对填充注册网页,但用户确实有随后输入新密码以创建一个帐户。我觉得选择一个帐户标题误导,因为它会导致用户认为他们有一个账户上的应用程序了。是否有可能改变这种模式的头说些什么 - 或许真的更直观样的?'pre灌注报名形式:

A possible flow within Smart Lock integration leads to a 'Choose an Account' modal for a new user. Selecting an account on this pop-up pre-fills the sign up page but the user does have to subsequently enter a new password to create an account. I find 'Choose an Account' header to be misleading since it leads a user to believe that they have an account on the app already. Is it possible to change the header of this modal to say something else - maybe something more intuitive like 'Prefill sign up form with:'?



I'm the product manager for Smart Lock at Google. We added some functionality to support this in the 8.3 release of Play Services APIs (November 2015).

在过去允许用户可以选择一个电子邮件地址与一个水龙头登录或注册过的标题是选择一个账户,其中,在这个问题指出,造成了一些用户混淆。在8.3中,我们更改了默认的文本是拍在与,并允许由调用应用程序定制注册了。因为它是由Play服务渲染并必须本地化的对话文本的完全定制是不可能的,但在UX研究我们发现,注册了有相同的用户接受和完成为pre灌注注册与形式在其中可以使用该对话框场景和其它变体,但是,得到的显影剂更纬度。 (旁白:!在测试中,我们发现大多数用户不阅读所有对话框顶部的文本)

In the past the "hint" dialog to allow the user to pick an email address with one tap to sign in or sign up had the title "Choose an Account", which, as noted in the question, caused some user confusion. In 8.3, we changed the default text to be "Sign in with" and allowed customization by the calling app to "Sign up with". Complete customization of the dialog text is not possible since it is rendered by Play Services and must be localized, but in UX research we found that "Sign up with" had the same user acceptance and completion as "Prefill sign up form with" and other variants but gave the developer more latitude in the scenarios where the dialog could be used. (aside: in testing, we found most users don't read the text at the top of the dialog at all!)

样code:打造 CredentialPickerConfig setForNewAccount(真)帐户创建和提供这 setHintPickerConfig()构建时 A HintRequest getHintPickerIntent()方法添加到 Auth.CredentialsApi 在播放服务8.3。

Sample code: build a CredentialPickerConfig with setForNewAccount(true) for account creation and supply this to setHintPickerConfig() when building a HintRequest for the getHintPickerIntent() method added to the Auth.CredentialsApi in Play Services 8.3.

import com.google.android.gms.auth.api.Auth;
import com.google.android.gms.auth.api.credentials.CredentialPickerConfig;
import com.google.android.gms.auth.api.credentials.HintRequest;

CredentialPickerConfig selectorConfig = new CredentialPickerConfig.Builder()
HintRequest hintRequest = new HintRequest.Builder()
PendingIntent intent = Auth.CredentialsApi.getHintPickerIntent(apiClient, hintRequest);
try {
    startIntentSenderForResult(intent.getIntentSender(), RESOLVE_HINT, null, 0, 0, 0);
} catch (IntentSender.SendIntentException e) {
    Log.e(TAG, "Intent failure", e);

查看Github上样品code的详细信息,建立 apiClient 和API的整合休息。发表评论,如果您有任何疑问或反馈。

Check out the sample code on Github for details on setting up the apiClient and integrating the rest of the API. Leave a comment if you have questions or feedback.


07-30 17:53