当我们创建蔚蓝网站与画廊的Tomcat 7什么是默认的用户名和tomcat 7密码。我曾尝试管理,根等NIT工作:(
What is the Default username and password of tomcat 7 when we create azure website with tomcat 7 from gallery. i have tried admin,root, etc nit working :(
if there is no default username and password. is there any way to access the tomcat manager??is there any way to access catalina config to change the user configration in azure websites??
please help.. thanks in advance :)
角色定义你的用户能够与 /经理/ HTML
这个定义使用进入的wwwroot \\ BIN \\ Apache的Tomcat的7.0.52 \\的conf \\ tomcat的-users.xml中
I think there is no default user. You can define your a user in manager-gui
role to be able to use it with /manager/html
this definition goes into wwwroot\bin\apache-tomcat-7.0.52\conf\tomcat-users.xml
您可以在FTP编辑该文件并添加用户,但一个更简单的方法是进入 https://开头< YourSiteName> .scm.azurewebsites.net / DebugConsole
和登录您的 罢工>湛蓝的帐户,并转到该文件,并在浏览器中编辑。您还可以使用Monoco(Visual Studio的在线) https://开头< YourSiteName> .scm.azurewebsites.net /开发
You can edit that file in FTP and add your user, but an easier way would be to go into https://<YourSiteName>.scm.azurewebsites.net/DebugConsole
and log-in with your azure account and go to that file and edit it in the browser. You can also use Monoco (Visual Studio Online) https://<YourSiteName>.scm.azurewebsites.net/Dev
but you need to enable it in portal first, then use your deployment credentials again.
在你的XML,你需要添加类似下面的到你的&LT; tomcat的用户&GT;
After you get to the XML, you need to add something like the following to your <tomcat-users>
<role rolename="manager-gui"/>
<user username="admin" password="admin" roles="manager-gui"/>
Please restart your website after the changes takes place.
这篇关于默认的用户名和蔚蓝wbsites Tomcat 7的密码的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!