I'm looking for catalogs of common bugs, weaknesses, and test cases or questions for software. In Lessons Learned in Software Testing I saw an example test catalog, but I typically can't find good, specific test catalogs out there for various common features or feature types. Can someone point me to a resource?
也许可以在 SO 上建立一个社区维基?
Perhaps a community wiki on SO would be in order?
Here are some comminuty wikis for test case catalogs:
Elisabeth Hendrickson 和其他人整理了这个 测试启发式备忘单(此链接到 PDF).我总是用它来构建测试用例并查看我可能遗漏的内容.
Elisabeth Hendrickson and others put together this Test Heuristics Cheat Sheet (this links to a PDF). I always use it for building out test cases and looking at what I might have missed.
这篇关于测试目录 - 常见错误或测试用例的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!