谢谢.解决方案 在Logic应用程序中,具有OAuth身份验证的API连接需要人工同意.不幸的是,目前,这些身份验证还不能完全自动化.脚本 https://github.com/logicappsio/LogicAppConnectionAuth 会在验证连接器时避免某些用户点击. Hello - For logic apps that connects to SharePoint Online using the native SharePoint connector, is there an option to use a service account instead of signing in as the logged in user (maker) account for the connection?Thanks. 解决方案 In Logic app, API Connections with OAuth authentication requires a manual consent. Unfortunately, at this point in time, authentication for those cannot be fully automated.The script https://github.com/logicappsio/LogicAppConnectionAuth will avoid some user clicks when authenticating the connectors. 这篇关于将服务帐户用于SharePoint Online连接器的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-13 18:30