

我的任务是创建一个安全的(Windows版本)Excel工作簿,它使用宏来验证用户是否有权限查看内容。在Excel 2010 for Windows中,我使用 Environ(username)函数来完成此操作。

问题我遇到的是,组织中的一些用户使用Mac进行日常工作,而 Environ 不适用于OSX。有没有人知道可以找到Mac用户名的替代方式?我已经上网了,但我可以找到的是如何找到计算机的唯一标识符,而不是用户名。


任何信息不胜感激! p>




  Function GetUserNameMac )As String 
Dim sMyScript As String

sMyScript =将用户名设置为(系统信息)的短用户名& vbNewLine& return userName

GetUserNameMac = MacScript(sMyScript)

My task has been to create a secure (Windows version) Excel workbook that uses macros to validate whether a user has permission to view the contents. In Excel 2010 for Windows, I use the Environ("username") function to accomplish this.

The problem I'm running into is that some users in the organization use a Mac to do their daily work, and Environ does not work with OSX.

Does anyone know of an alternate way to find the username of a Mac? I've looked online but all I can find is how to find the unique identifier of the computer, not the username.

Is what I'm attempting to do even possible with Mac?

Any information is appreciated!


You can use AppleScript to return the Username and run that from VBA.

The following function should do the trick.

Function GetUserNameMac() As String
    Dim sMyScript As String

    sMyScript = "set userName to short user name of (system info)" & vbNewLine & "return userName"

    GetUserNameMac = MacScript(sMyScript)
End Function


07-30 17:35