本文介绍了Scala Play Framework Slick Session的问题的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



我正在使用Play 2.2在Scala中创建一个应用程序.我正在使用play-slick作为我的MySQL DB连接器.我有以下应用程序控制器:

I'm creating an application in Scala using Play 2.2. I'm using play-slick as my MySQL DB connector. I have the following application controller:

package controllers

import models._
import models.database._

import play.api._
import play.api.mvc._
import play.api.Play.current
import play.api.db.slick._

object Application extends Controller {
  // WORKS:
  def test = DBAction {
    implicit session => Ok(views.html.test(Cameras.findById(1)))

  def photo = Action {
    val p = PhotoFetcher.fetchRandomDisplayPhoto(someParametersBlah))

如您所见,test DBAction可以正常工作,并且可以从数据库中获取照片.不幸的是,photo操作不起作用.

As you can see, the test DBAction works, and it's able to fetch a photo from the DB just fine. Unfortunately, the photo Action does not work.

我的PhotoFetcher.fetchRandomDisplayPhoto(blah)做很多不同的事情.内置于其中的是对Cameras.findById(blah)的调用,该调用应返回一个Camera对象(在test DBAction中有效).但是,使用此配置,我得到以下错误:

My PhotoFetcher.fetchRandomDisplayPhoto(blah) does a bunch of different things. Buried inside of it is a call to Cameras.findById(blah), which should return a Camera object (which works in the test DBAction). However, with this configuration I get the following error:

could not find implicit value for parameter s: slick.driver.MySQLDriver.simple.Session


I have tried making the photo Action into a DBAction, like so:

def photo = DBAction {
  implicit session => {
    val p = PhotoFetcher.fetchRandomDisplayPhoto(someParametersBlah))


But that just results in the same missing session error. It's like PhotoFetcher doesn't know about the implicit session.


The other thing I've tried is importing slick.session.Database.threadLocalSession in my PhotoFetcher, but that only results in the following error:

SQLException: No implicit session available; threadLocalSession can only be used within a withSession block


If it's any help, this is a simplified version of my Cameras object:

package models.database

import models.Format.Format
import scala.slick.driver.MySQLDriver.simple._

case class Camera(id: Long,
                  otherStuff: String)

trait CamerasComponent {
  val Cameras: Cameras

  class Cameras extends Table[Camera]("cameras") {
    def id          = column[Long]("id", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)
    def otherStuff  = column[String]("otherStuff", O.NotNull)

    def * = id ~ otherStuff <> (Camera.apply _, Camera.unapply _)

    val byId         = createFinderBy(_.id)
    val byOtherStuff = createFinderBy(_.otherStuff)

object Cameras extends DAO {
  def insert(camera: Camera)(implicit s: Session) { Cameras.insert(camera) }
  def findById(id: Long)(implicit s: Session): Option[Camera] = Cameras.byId(id).firstOption
  def findByOtherStuff(otherStuff: String)(implicit s: Session): Option[Camera] = Cameras.byOtherStuff(model).firstOption

所以,好像我已经在某个地方交叉起来了.现在,我只能直接从Controller DBAction访问我的DAO对象,而不能从其他不同类的内部访问我的DAO对象.任何帮助,将不胜感激.谢谢!

So, it seems as if I've gotten crossed-up somewhere. Right now it's only possible for me to access my DAO objects directly from a Controller DBAction, and not from inside of some different class. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!



Does your definition of PhotoFetcher.fetchRandomDisplayPhoto.fetchRandomDisplayPhoto take an implicit session?

 // PhotoFetcher
 def fetchRandomDisplayPhoto(args: Blah*)(implicit s: Session) = {
   // ...
   val maybeCam = Cameras.findById(blah) // <- sees the implicit session
   // ...

还是您依赖PhotoFetcher中的threadLocalsession? (fetchRandomDisplayPhoto没有隐式会话参数)?

Or are you relying on a threadLocalsession in PhotoFetcher? (no implicit session argument for fetchRandomDisplayPhoto)?

尽管Slick的threadLocalSession对于快速尝试一些东西很方便,但以后可能会导致混乱和清晰度下降.最好只对所有调用Slick模型的方法使用明确的(implicit s: Session)参数列表.这也玩DBAction很好,让框架可以管理会话.

While Slick's threadLocalSession is handy for quickly trying out stuff, it can lead to confusion and loss of clarity later on. It's best to just use explicit (implicit s: Session) parameter lists for all methods that call your Slick models. This also playswell with DBAction, letting the framework manage sessions.

缺点是您必须在所有方法上都使用(implicit s: Session)-在那里是这样的解决方法: https://github.com/freekh/play-slick/issues/20

The downside is you have to have (implicit s: Session) on all your methods - thereare workarounds like this:https://github.com/freekh/play-slick/issues/20


Scala isn't verbose and is very amenable to refactoring - so I'd recommend thinkingabout crossing that bridge when you come to it, and use DBAction for all actionsthat do database stuff; give all methods that call your database models animplicit session, and see how much that mileage that gives you.

这篇关于Scala Play Framework Slick Session的问题的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!


09-06 21:59