

在玩一个网络服务器苹果.caf音频文件?我有存储在我的网络服务器.caf音频文件(苹果公司的开放式音频格式),并希望从任何O / S的Web浏览器中播放它们。

Play Apple's .caf audio file on a webserver? I have .caf audio files (Apple's open audio format) stored on my webserver and want to play them from a web browser on any O/S.



I understand, this doesn't seem like the solution you're looking for, but...


Several weeks ago we faced the same problem. We have several clients which are posting audio files to the web site from theirs iPhones, and we need to play audios on the web site.

但我们没有找到任何合适的flash播放器与 .caf 格式的支持。

But we didn't find any suitable flash player with .caf format support.

因此​​,我们决定 .caf .MP3 通过的。
令人高兴的是,有很多闪光的球员与 .MP3 的支持。

So we decided to convert .caf to .mp3 on the server through the ffmpeg.exe utility. Happily, there a lot of flash players with .mp3 support.


09-22 20:14