


How can I return a parameter as a union case value?


let jumpBlack ((blackChecker:BlackChecker),(blackCheckers:BlackChecker list))  (redPiece:RedPiece) =

    let yIncrementValue = -1
    let minY = 0

    match redPiece with
    | RedPiece.RedChecker rc ->
       let position = rc.Position |> jump blackChecker.Position yIncrementValue
       match position with
       | pos when pos = rc.Position -> RedPiece.RedChecker { rc with Position= position }, blackCheckers
       | pos when pos.Y = minY      -> RedPiece.RedKing    { RedKing.Position=position },  blackCheckers |> remove blackChecker
       | _ ->                          RedPiece.RedChecker { rc with Position= position }, blackCheckers |> remove blackChecker

    | RedPiece.RedKing rk ->
       let position = rk.Position |> jump blackChecker.Position yIncrementValue
       match position with
       | pos when pos = rk.Position -> RedPiece.RedKing { rk with Position= position }, blackCheckers
       | pos when pos.Y = minY      -> RedPiece.RedKing { Position=position }, blackCheckers |> remove blackChecker
       | _                          -> RedPiece.RedKing { rk with Position= position }, blackCheckers |> remove blackChecker


match redPiece with
| RedPiece.RedChecker rc ->
   let position = rc.Position |> jump blackChecker.Position yIncrementValue
   match position with
   | pos when pos = rc.Position -> RedPiece.RedChecker { rc with Position= position }, blackCheckers
   | pos when pos.Y = minY      -> RedPiece.RedKing    { RedKing.Position=position },  blackCheckers |> remove blackChecker
   | _ ->                          RedPiece.RedChecker { rc with Position= position }, blackCheckers |> remove blackChecker

| RedPiece.RedKing rk ->
   let position = rk.Position |> jump blackChecker.Position yIncrementValue
   match position with
   | pos when pos = rk.Position -> RedPiece.RedKing { rk with Position= position }, blackCheckers
   | pos when pos.Y = minY      -> RedPiece.RedKing { Position=position }, blackCheckers |> remove blackChecker
   | _                          -> RedPiece.RedKing { rk with Position= position }, blackCheckers |> remove blackChecker



I'm stuck on how to remove the duplication and still return the two different union types (i.e. red checker and red king)


(* Types *)
type North = NorthEast | NorthWest
type South = SouthEast | SouthWest

type Direction =
    | NorthEast
    | NorthWest
    | SouthEast
    | SouthWest

type Position =     { X:int; Y:int }

type BlackChecker = { Position:Position }
type RedChecker =   { Position:Position }
type BlackKing =    { Position:Position }
type RedKing =      { Position:Position }

type Checker =
    | BlackChecker of BlackChecker
    | RedChecker   of RedChecker
    | BlackKing    of BlackKing
    | RedKing      of RedKing

type King =
    | BlackKing of BlackKing
    | RedKing of RedKing

type RedPiece =
    | RedChecker of RedChecker
    | RedKing of RedKing

(* Functions *)
let rec remove item list = list |> List.filter (fun x -> x <> item)

let setRowPosition y1 y2 y3 index =
    match index with
    | x when x < 4 -> { X=x; Y=y1 }
    | x when x < 8 -> { X=x-4; Y=y2 }
    | _            -> { X=index-8; Y=y3 }

let initializeBlack () =
    let setPosition index =
        index |> setRowPosition 7 6 5

    let blackCheckers = List.init 12 setPosition |> List.map (fun pos -> { BlackChecker.Position= { X=pos.X; Y=pos.Y } })

let initializeRed () =
    let setPosition index =
        index |> setRowPosition 0 1 2

    let redCheckers =   List.init 12 setPosition |> List.map (fun pos -> { RedChecker.Position= { X=pos.X; Y=pos.Y } })

let set (x, y) positions (position:Position) =
    match not (positions |> List.exists (fun pos -> pos = { X=x; Y=y })) with
    | true -> { X=x; Y=y }
    | false -> position

let moveBlack direction positions (checker:BlackChecker) =
    let position = checker.Position

    match direction with
    | North.NorthEast -> { BlackChecker.Position= (positions, position) ||> set ((position.X + 1), (position.Y + 1 )) }
    | North.NorthWest -> { BlackChecker.Position= (positions, position) ||> set ((position.X - 1), (position.Y + 1 )) }

let moveRed direction positions (checker:RedChecker) =
    let position = checker.Position

    match direction with
    | South.SouthEast -> { RedChecker.Position= (positions, position) ||> set ((position.X + 1), (position.Y - 1 )) }
    | South.SouthWest -> { RedChecker.Position= (positions, position) ||> set ((position.X - 1), (position.Y - 1 )) }

let moveKing direction positions (king:King) =

    let position = match king with
                   | King.BlackKing bk -> bk.Position
                   | King.RedKing   rk -> rk.Position

    let result = match direction with
                 | NorthEast -> (positions, position) ||> set ((position.X + 1), (position.Y + 1 ))
                 | NorthWest -> (positions, position) ||> set ((position.X - 1), (position.Y + 1 ))
                 | SouthEast -> (positions, position) ||> set ((position.X + 1), (position.Y - 1 ))
                 | SouthWest -> (positions, position) ||> set ((position.X - 1), (position.Y - 1 ))

    match king with
    | King.BlackKing _ -> King.BlackKing { BlackKing.Position= result }
    | King.RedKing   _ -> King.RedKing   { RedKing.Position=   result }

let jump target yDirection source =
    let updateX value = { X=target.X + value
                          Y=target.Y + yDirection }
    match source with
    | position when position.Y + yDirection = target.Y &&
                    position.X + 1 = target.X -> updateX 1

    | position when position.Y + yDirection = target.Y &&
                    position.X - 1 = target.X -> updateX -1
    | _ -> source

let jumpRed ((redChecker:RedChecker), (redCheckers:RedChecker list)) (blackChecker:BlackChecker) =

    let yIncrementValue = 1
    let maxY = 7
    let position = blackChecker.Position |> jump redChecker.Position yIncrementValue

    match position with
    | pos when pos = blackChecker.Position -> BlackChecker { blackChecker with Position= position }, redCheckers
    | pos when pos.Y = maxY                -> Checker.BlackKing { BlackKing.Position=position }, redCheckers |> remove redChecker
    | _ -> BlackChecker { blackChecker with Position= position }, redCheckers |> remove redChecker

let jumpBlack ((blackChecker:BlackChecker),(blackCheckers:BlackChecker list))  (redPiece:RedPiece) =

    let yIncrementValue = -1
    let minY = 0

    match redPiece with
    | RedPiece.RedChecker rc ->
       let position = rc.Position |> jump blackChecker.Position yIncrementValue
       match position with
       | pos when pos = rc.Position -> RedPiece.RedChecker { rc with Position= position }, blackCheckers
       | pos when pos.Y = minY      -> RedPiece.RedKing    { RedKing.Position=position },  blackCheckers |> remove blackChecker
       | _ ->                          RedPiece.RedChecker { rc with Position= position }, blackCheckers |> remove blackChecker

    | RedPiece.RedKing rk ->
       let position = rk.Position |> jump blackChecker.Position yIncrementValue
       match position with
       | pos when pos = rk.Position -> RedPiece.RedKing { rk with Position= position }, blackCheckers
       | pos when pos.Y = minY      -> RedPiece.RedKing { Position=position }, blackCheckers |> remove blackChecker
       | _                          -> RedPiece.RedKing { rk with Position= position }, blackCheckers |> remove blackChecker


let ``red king jumps checker``() =
    let blackChecker = { BlackChecker.Position= { X=1 ; Y=1 } }
    let target = (blackChecker, [blackChecker])

    RedKing { RedKing.Position= { X=0 ; Y=2 } } |> jumpBlack target
                                                |> fst
                                                |> should equal (RedPiece.RedKing { RedKing.Position= { X=2 ; Y=0 } })

let ``black checker removed after being jumped``() =
    let target = { BlackChecker.Position= { X=1 ; Y=1 } }, []
    RedChecker { RedChecker.Position= { X=2 ; Y=2 } } |> jumpBlack target
                                                      |> snd
                                                      |> should equal []
let ``red checker jumps black checker southeast``() =
    let blackChecker = { BlackChecker.Position= { X=3 ; Y=2 } }
    let target = blackChecker, [blackChecker]

    RedChecker { RedChecker.Position= { X=2 ; Y=3 } } |> jumpBlack target
                                                      |> fst
                                                      |> should equal (RedChecker { RedChecker.Position= { X=4 ; Y=1 } })



Alright your model is really complicated... I made the following simplification:

type Position = { X:int; Y:int }

type Color =
    | Red
    | Black

type PieceType =
    | King
    | Checker

type Piece = Color*PieceType*Position


Then translating your jumpBlack function I get:

let jumpBlack ((blackChecker:Piece),(blackCheckers:Piece list))  (redPiece:Piece) =

    let yIncrementValue = -1
    let minY = 0

    match redPiece, blackChecker with
    | (Red, Checker, position), (_, _, blackCheckerPosition) ->
       let newposition = position |> jump blackCheckerPosition yIncrementValue
       match newposition with
       | pos when pos = position ->    (Red, Checker, pos), blackCheckers
       | pos when pos.Y = minY      -> (Red, King, pos) ,  blackCheckers |> remove blackChecker
       | pos ->                          (Red, Checker, pos), blackCheckers |> remove blackChecker
    | (Red, King, position), (_, _, blackCheckerPosition) ->
       let newposition = position |> jump blackCheckerPosition yIncrementValue
       match newposition with
       | pos when pos = position -> (Red, King, pos), blackCheckers
       | pos when pos.Y = minY      -> (Red, King, pos), blackCheckers |> remove blackChecker
       | pos                          -> (Red, King, pos), blackCheckers |> remove blackChecker
    | _ -> failwith "Invalid" //Deal with Black pieces here!


But now, it's really easy to refactor the code since we see that if pos isn't equal to the minY value, it stays the same PieceType, but if it reaches minY it always becomes a King.

let jumpBlackNew ((blackChecker:Piece),(blackCheckers:Piece list))  (redPiece:Piece) =

    let yIncrementValue = -1
    let minY = 0

    match redPiece, blackChecker with
    | (Red, pieceType, position), (_, _, blackCheckerPosition) ->
       let newposition = position |> jump blackCheckerPosition yIncrementValue
       match newposition with
       | pos when pos = position ->    (Red, pieceType, pos), blackCheckers
       | pos when pos.Y = minY      -> (Red, King, pos) ,  blackCheckers |> remove blackChecker
       | pos ->                        (Red, pieceType, pos), blackCheckers |> remove blackChecker
    | _ -> failwith "Invalid" //Deal with Black pieces here!


This also makes it much easier for you to make jump take in both black and red checkers.


07-30 15:58