


I would like to launch a WPF app and call methods on the ViewModel to control the app for the purpose of integration testing. Something like:

    public void Test1()
        var application = new MyApp();


(OK, this stops the test execution at this point, presumably passing control to the WPF app. Not sure how to deal with this. Launch in a separate thread or something?)


Then I'd like to be able to get and set values on the ViewModel, something like this:

        application.MyViewModel.SomeProperty = "A value!";


The goal here is to test the WPF app in an integrated sense without resorting to WinAppDriver, White, CodedUI or anything messy like that. Ideas?



You'll either need a separate thread to manipulate the view model, or you'll need to execute code in the dispatcher thread to do that. I prefer the latter, but either would work. The former would require you being careful about using the dispatcher to marshal some operations to the UI thread; view model property changes don't need that, because WPF will do that automatically for you, but other things like direct calls to UI object methods — e.g. Window.Close() — do.


Here's an example of what you might do using the dispatcher thread to do all the testing code:

public void TestWpfApp()
    Thread thread = new Thread(() =>
        var application = new App();
        Application.ResourceAssembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
        application.Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(() =>
        }, System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.ApplicationIdle);


private static async void _TestApplication(Application application)
    Window window = application.MainWindow;
    ViewModel viewModel = (ViewModel)window.DataContext;

    await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
    viewModel.Text = "Hello World!";
    await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));

基本结构是设置一个适合运行WPF UI的线程(它必须是STA线程,并且您不应该弄乱单元测试的线程,因此为此目的需要创建一个新线程),然后在该线程中,通过InvokeAsync()向调度程序执行通常的WPF设置加队列,以调用主测试方法,以使其在WPF代码开始运行后开始执行.

The basic structure is to set up a thread suitable for running the WPF UI (it has to be an STA thread, and you shouldn't be messing with the unit test's thread, so creating a new thread for this purpose is required), and then in that thread, do the usual WPF setup plus queue via InvokeAsync() to the dispatcher a call to the main testing method, to have it start executing once the WPF code has started running.


Naturally, this example assumes a ViewModel class with a Text property, and the main window's DataContext property set to an instance of this ViewModel. In my sample program, I just bound the Text property to a TextBlock.Text property. Obviously, you could do whatever you want with your view model.

请注意,我必须显式设置Application.ResourceAssembly.在我目前正在使用的Visual Studio Community 2017中,单元测试框架在Assembly.GetEntryAssembly()返回null的上下文中运行文本,这破坏了WPF的资源加载.设置它可以明确地解决此问题(我使用的是Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(),因为我将单元测试代码与示例WPF程序放在相同的程序集中,显然,如果将它们放在不同的程序集中,则必须找到正确的程序集其他方式).

Note that I had to explicitly set Application.ResourceAssembly. In Visual Studio Community 2017, which is what I'm using at the moment, the unit test framework runs the text in a context where Assembly.GetEntryAssembly() returns null, which breaks WPF's resource loading. Setting it explicitly fixes that (I'm using Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), because I put the unit test code in the same assembly with my sample WPF program…obviously, if you keep them in different assemblies, you'd have to find the right assembly some other way).


In my testing, using System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.ApplicationIdle in the call to Dispatch.InvokeAsync() wasn't strictly required. I found the MainWindow and DataContext properties initialized fine. But I prefer to explicitly wait for ApplicationIdle, just to make sure those have been fully initialized and that the WPF program itself is ready to start accepting whatever input you have in mind for your tests.


09-05 23:02