




My team has been given HDF5 files to read. They contain structured data with unsigned variables. I and my team were overjoyed to find the NetCDF library, which allows pure-Java reading of HDF5 files, albeit using the NetCDF data model.

没问题-我们认为我们只是将NetCDF数据模型转换为我们想要的任何模型.只要我们得到数据.然后,我们尝试从HDF5文件中读取一个无符号的32位整数.我们可以加载HDFView 2.9,然后看到该变量是一个无符号的32位整数.但是...事实证明, NetCDF-3不会'不支持无符号值

No problem---we thought we'd just translate from the NetCDF data model to whatever model we wanted. As long as we get the data out. Then we tried to read an unsigned 32-bit integer from the HDF5 file. We can load up HDFView 2.9 and see that the variable is an unsigned 32-bit integer. But... it turns out that NetCDF-3 doesn't support unsigned values!

为了增加侮辱性伤害,NetCDF-3建议您扩大数据类型"或使用_Unsigned = "true"属性(我没有做这个)来指示应将32位视为无符号值.

To add insult to injury, NetCDF-3 recommends that you "widen the data type" or use an _Unsigned = "true" attribute (I am not making this up) to indicate that the 32 bits should be treated as an unsigned value.


Well, maybe those kludges would be effective if I were creating NetCDF data from scratch, but how can I detect using NetCDF that a 32-bit value in an existing HDF5 file should be interpreted as unsigned?

更新:显然 NetCDF-4确实支持未签名的数据类型.因此,这就引出了一个问题:如何确定NetCDF Java库中值是带符号的还是无符号的?" 我在ucar.ma2.DataType中看不到任何未签名的类型.

Update: Apparently NetCDF-4 does support unsigned data types. So this begs the question: How can I determine whether a value is signed or unsigned from the NetCDF Java library?" I don't see any unsigned types in ucar.ma2.DataType.


是的,您可以查找_Unsigned ="true"属性,也可以调用Variable.isUnsigned().

Yes, you can look for _Unsigned = "true" attribute, or you can call Variable.isUnsigned().


Because Java doesnt support unsigned types, it was a difficult design decision. Ultimately we decided not to automatically widen the type, for efficiency. So the application must check and do the right thing. Look at ucar.nc2.DataType.unsignedXXX() helper methods.


When you read the data, you get an Array object. you can call Array.isUnsigned(). Also the extractors like Array.getDouble() will convert correctly.


The netCDF-Java library supports an extended data model called the "Common data Model" to abstract out differences in file formats. So we are not stuck with the limits of the netCDF-3 file format or data model. But we are in Java



07-30 15:36