




Pointers are a really tricky thing in C. For a lot of people is hard to understand it, so for a good understanding I wrote following code:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int *p; // pointer -> will be dynamic allocated
    int *a; // array -> will be dynamic allocated

    // print before allocate memory (1)
    printf("&p: %p\tp: %p\t*p: %d\n", &p, p, *p);
    printf("&a: %p\ta: %p\t*a: %d\n", &a, a, *a);

    // allocate memory (2)
    p = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
    a = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * 10);

    // print after allocate, but before give a value to poinetrs (3)
    printf("&p: %p\tp: %p\t*p: %d\n", &p, p, *p);
    printf("&a: %p\ta: %p\t*a: %d\n", &a, a, *a);

    // give a value to poinetrs (4)
    *p = 1;
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { a[i] = i; }

    // print after we gave a value to pointers (5)
    printf("&p: %p\tp: %p\t*p: %d\n", &p, p, *p);
    printf("&a: %p\ta: %p\t*a: ", &a, a);
    // because a is an array we must use a loop for print
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { printf("%d ", a[i]); }

    // free pointers (6)

    // print pointers after free (7)
    printf("&p: %p\tp: %p\t*p: %d\n", &p, p, *p);
    printf("&a: %p\ta: %p\t*a: ", &a, a);
    // because a is an array we must use a loop for print
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { printf("%d ", a[i]); }

    // try to change values after free (8)
    *p = 12;
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { a[i] = 3; }

    // print after (8)
    printf("&p: %p\tp: %p\t*p: %d\n", &p, p, *p);
    printf("&a: %p\ta: %p\t*a: ", &a, a);
    // because a is an array we must use a loop for print
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { printf("%d ", a[i]); }

    return 0;


&p: 0xbfe5db64  p: 0xbfe5dc24   *p: -1075452506
&a: 0xbfe5db68  a: 0xbfe5dc2c   *a: -1075452502

&p: 0xbfe5db64  p: 0x8716008    *p: 0
&a: 0xbfe5db68  a: 0x8716018    *a: 0

&p: 0xbfe5db64  p: 0x8716008    *p: 1
&a: 0xbfe5db68  a: 0x8716018    *a: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

&p: 0xbfe5db64  p: 0x8716008    *p: 0
&a: 0xbfe5db68  a: 0x8716018    *a: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

&p: 0xbfe5db64  p: 0x8716008    *p: 12
&a: 0xbfe5db68  a: 0x8716018    *a: 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3


  1. 当我在为内存提供指针之前打印指针时,为什么指针具有一个随机值和一个指向它的随机地址以及为什么它不是NULL?

  1. When I print pointers before give memory for it, why pointer have a random value and a random address to point to it and why it isn't NULL?


After we use malloc, we can see the address where pointer points to changed and its value is NULL, so what malloc really does?


After we give a value to it and print it, we free it and print it again, but values and address are same as behind for array, but not for the integer, why? So what free really does?


After we freed space, we can continue to change values of array and integer, why is this possible after free space? We don't need to reuse malloc?


  1. 因为语言规范是这样说的.指针的值(即它指向的地址)是不确定的.它可以指向任何地方,就像int可以保存任何值一样.读取这些值(就像在前一个printf中使用*p*a一样)实际上是未定义的行为.

  1. Because the language specification says so. The value of the pointer (i.e. the address it points to) is indeterminate. It can point anywhere, just like an int could hold any value. Reading those values, (as you do with *p and *a in the first printfs) is actually undefined behaviour.

如果您希望它指向的数据是0,那是偶然的.分配的内存不必清零.例如,它可能是先前分配了malloc然后是free d的块的一部分(free不会使内存清零,请参见下面的第3点.)

If you mean the data it points to is 0, that is by chance. The memory allocated does not have to be zeroed out. For example, it could be part of a block previously allocated with malloc and then freed (free doesn't zero out the memory, see point 3. below.)


That is also by chance. When you free the memory, it is not zeroed out, and it does not have to be used immediately. It can keep storing old values until it is used for something else (for instance, by another allocation)


That is also undefined behaviour. You are writing to memory you no longer own. Anything can happen. The program could have crashed. By chance, it seems like you can successfully write to the array, probable because the memory is still not used by anything else that would cause a more apparent run time error.


07-30 15:12