


Which is the maximum amount of memory one can achieve in .NET managed code? Does it depend on the actual architecture (32/64 bits)?


有没有硬盘,为.NET code确切的数字。

There are no hard, exact figure for .NET code.

如果您运行在32位的Windows;您的处理的可寻址高达2 GB,如果3 GB / 3GB开关用于Windows Server 2003上。

If you run on 32 bit Windows; your process can address up to 2 GB, 3 GB if the /3GB switch is used on Windows Server 2003.

如果您在64位机器上运行64位进程您的过程的最多可寻址的地址空间8 TB,如果那么多内存是present。

If you run a 64 bit process on a 64 bit box your process can address up to 8 TB of address space, if that much RAM is present.


This is not the whole story however, since the CLR takes some overhead for each process. At the same time, .NET will try to allocate new memory in chunks; and if the address space is fragmented, that might mean that you cannot allocate more memory, even though some are available.


07-30 15:05