本文介绍了'\ b'(退格)的用途是什么的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我现在正在学习Python类,并且我刚刚了解了退格字符.像换行符(\ n)一样,退格键是ASCII码8的特殊字符.我的老师想不出使用它的理由,但是我很好奇它的用法.也许只是历史原因?当我尝试print("Hellow\b World")时,得到的正是我所期望的:Hello World.

I'm taking a Python class right now, and I just learned about the backspace character. Like newline (\n), backspace is a special character with ASCII code 8. My teacher couldn't think of a reason to use that, but I'm curious as to how it's used. Maybe just historical reasons? When I tried print("Hellow\b World"), I got just got what I expected: Hello World.


What's the reason for the backspace character, and how might it be used?


I am aware that it isn't python specific, but when writing the original question I was thinking mainly about Python and forgot this fact. I've tried to edit to make this more clear.



Backspace is a control character that moves the cursor one character back in the console but doesn't delete it.


It was used historically in the ASCII world to print accented characters.

例如à可以使用三个字符序列a Backspace`(或使用字符的十六进制值0x61 0x08 0x60)产生.

For example à could be produced using the three character sequence a Backspace ` (or, using the characters' hex values, 0x61 0x08 0x60).



很多人将两者混为一谈.键盘上的Backspace键几乎具有删除前一个字符的通用功能(=向后移动光标并删除该字符).但是,退格字符'\ b'仅将光标在控制台窗口中移回一个位置,而不会将其删除.

A lot of people confuse the two. Backspace key on keyboard has almost the universal function to delete the previous character (= move cursor back and delete that character). The backspace character '\b' however only moves the cursor one position back in the console window and doesn't delete it.

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07-30 14:30