本文介绍了Py:一种非常危险的语言的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 现在是凌晨2点....我正在用 Python编写我的第一个企业级应用程序....逻辑刚从脑海流入键盘并且是 凝固成了我曾经见过的最美丽的代码行。 见过...... 现在是凌晨3点....我知道我必须睡觉......第二天工作或者更确切地说,几个小时内工作 ......但是Python以某种方式带出了所有的逻辑。所有 我的想法的冗长被净化成干净美丽的逻辑... Python正在绞尽脑汁想出我的想法让我/> 生成非常干净的代码....我必须睡觉......这是我写的最后一行代码...... 现在是凌晨4点....还有一个...然后我会睡觉.. 早上5点......刚才还有一节课...我现在就睡觉了......我必须在几个小时内去工作 .... 现在是早上6点......再多一个lambda ......我真的会睡觉吗 现在......说真的......我必须在几个小时内去上班.... Python是一种非常危险的语言...它让人上瘾..一旦你开始编码,你就完全无法停止编码....每个人都没有语言(允许吗?) 我之前想得那么清楚......这很疯狂......我几乎不会每个人都睡觉......当我使用Python时,我根本无法停止编码.... br /> 这太可怕了......也许我应该切换回Java:一种语言如此 笨拙我厌恶被驱逐出键盘 b $ b沮丧.... 我需要睡觉..但是Python不会让我...... Python是危险的 语言....It was 2a.m.... I was writing my first enterprise scale application inPython.... the logic just flowed from my mind onto the keyboard and wascongealed into the most beautiful terse lines of code I had everseen...It was 3a.m.... I knew I had to sleep.... work the next day or rather,in a few hours.... but Python somehow brought out all the logic. Allthe verbosity of my thought was purified into clean beautiful logic...The Python was wringing the cruft out of my thought and letting megenerate wonderfully clean code.... I have to sleep... this is the lastline of code i''m writing...It was 4a.m.... just one more def... then I''ll sleep..It was 5 a.m.... just one more class...I''ll sleep now.. I''ve got to goto work in a few hours....It was 6 a.m.... just one more lambda...I''ll really sleepnow...seriously... I''ve got to go to work in a few hours....Python is a very dangerous language... It is addictive.. Once you startcoding, you simply can''t stop.... No language has every made(allowed?)me to think so clearly before.... This is madness.. I hardly everysleep... I simply can''t stop coding when I use Python....This is scary... maybe I should switch back to Java: a language sounwieldy that I''m driven away from the keyboard in disgustedfrustration....I need to sleep.. but Python won''t let me... Python is a dangerouslanguage....推荐答案" yoda""yoda"它早上6点......再多一个lambda ......我真的会睡觉现在......认真......我必须在几个小时内去上班.... It was 6 a.m.... just one more lambda...I''ll really sleep now...seriously... I''ve got to go to work in a few hours.... 我也非常喜欢Python,并且非常喜欢 您的体验。我赢得并想与你分享的一个经历:总之,当你想要写第一个lambda时,你可以准确地去睡觉。 这有两个好处:你睡觉,你的程序少了lambda。 HaraldI also love Python deeply, and really enjoyed the intense description ofyour experience. One experience I won and wanna share with you: allways goto bed exactly when you want to write the first lambda.That has 2 benefits: you get sleep, and your programs less lambda.Harald Harald Massa写道:Harald Massa wrote:当你想写第一个lambda时,总是准备好睡觉。 Always go to bed exactly when you want to write the first lambda. Eureka。第二十届Pythonic论文终于浮出水面。 彼得Eureka. The Twentieth Pythonic Thesis has finally surfaced.Peter [哈拉尔德] ][Harald]当你想写第一个lambda时,总是准确地睡觉。 [Peter] Eureka。第二十届Pythonic论文终于浮出水面。 Always go to bed exactly when you want to write the first lambda.[Peter] Eureka. The Twentieth Pythonic Thesis has finally surfaced. +1 QOTW。 - Richie Hindle ri****@entrian.com+1 QOTW.--Richie Hindle ri****@entrian.com 这篇关于Py:一种非常危险的语言的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
07-30 14:08