本文介绍了Android:Google Playstore 的公开 Beta 测试的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


最近了解到谷歌最新的测试服务.即来自此链接的 封闭 Beta 测试Open Beta 测试:


任何有关相同的信息都将对任何想要尝试新的 beta 测试服务的人真正有帮助.





  1. 公测版仍然与游戏市场一起工作.例如,如果您的设备上安装了该应用程序,它将推送新的测试版更新.

  2. 我与 Google Developer Console 支持人员进行了交谈.这是答案,对我有用.我等了大约 2 个小时才重试:

您收到这条相当模糊的消息的原因是 Beta(第 145 版)刚刚发布 17 分钟.

它仍在发布过程中.完全发布后,该消息应该会消失,您应该有资格"安装 Beta.

Recently learned of Google's latest testing services. That is Closed Beta testing and Open Beta testing from this link: https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/3131213and http://readwrite.com/2015/07/30/google-beta-test-tools.

Inorder to try the open beta testing feature of the same i have done the following:

  1. Uploaded new APK for beta testing

  2. Set the feed back email ID

  3. Set the max number of testers.

  4. get the Opt-in URL (after doing this i do not find any save button or anything as specified in the documentation.

  5. Circulate this Opt-in URL among the testers.

Below are the issue i'm facing:

  1. When i click on the opt-in URL via my Android device, First it asks me to have logged in. But since i'm trying out the Open beta testing which is not confined to a specific set of Emails (gmails) and any Google+ group or any Google Community, why is it taking me to the google login page?

  2. After i login through my personal mail Id, I get the below error message:

Has any one faced any such issue before? I'm i doing something wrong here?

Any infor regarding same shall be really helpful to any one who wants to try the new beta testing service.

Thanks in advance.


You don't need to set the number of testers if you don't want to. And the save button is labeled Submit and hidden in the top right corner.

Regarding your questions:

  1. The open beta still works in conjunction with the play market. For example, it will push new beta updates if you have the app installed on your device.

  2. I had a chat with the Google Developer Console support. Here is the answer, which worked for me. I waited ~2 hours before trying again:

这篇关于Android:Google Playstore 的公开 Beta 测试的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-30 12:44