

本文介绍了Google Play 不允许我更新我的应用的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我已经进行了大量搜索,但不知道为什么 Google Play 不让我更新我的 Prod 应用.他们的错误信息对我来说没有太大意义,实际上我真的不明白他们为什么不接受它.

I already made a huge search and don't know why Google Play are not letting me update my Prod app.Their error message does not make too much sense for me, actually I don't understand for real why they are not accepting it.


This configuration cannot be published for the following reason(s):
It is forbidden to downgrade devices which previously used M permissions (target SDK 23 and above) to APKs which use old style permissions (target SDK 22 and below). This occurs in the change from version 178 (target SDK 23) to version 2008 (target SDK 22).
It is forbidden to downgrade devices which previously used M permissions (target SDK 23 and above) to APKs which use old style permissions (target SDK 22 and below). This occurs in the change from version 178 (target SDK 23) to version 2008 (target SDK 22).
It is forbidden to downgrade devices which previously used M permissions (target SDK 23 and above) to APKs which use old style permissions (target SDK 22 and below). This occurs in the change from version 178 (target SDK 23) to version 2008 (target SDK 22).
It is forbidden to downgrade devices which previously used M permissions (target SDK 23 and above) to APKs which use old style permissions (target SDK 22 and below). This occurs in the change from version 178 (target SDK 23) to version 2008 (target SDK 22).


第一个版本 0.1 是使用 build.phonegap.com 制作的,第二个版本 (0.2) 是使用 CLI 在本地发布的,因为结果更好.

The first build 0.1 was made using build.phonegap.com and the second one (0.2) was released locally using CLI because the results are better.




这是因为您的新构建的 targetSdkVersion (22) 低于清单中当前的实时构建 (23):

This is because your new build has a targetSdkVersion (22) lower than your current live build (23) in the manifest:

<uses-sdk android:targetSdkVersion="22"/>

targetSdkVersion 23 适用于 Android 6+,其中有一种管理权限的新方法:http://developer.android.com/training/permissions/requesting.html

targetSdkVersion 23 is for Android 6+ where there is a new way to manage permissions : http://developer.android.com/training/permissions/requesting.html

因此,您当前拥有 Android 6+ 的实时用户正在使用新的权限系统,Google 将这些用户降级到具有旧权限系统的 targetSdkVersion 22 似乎是个问题.

So your current live users having Android 6+ are using the new permission system and it seems this is a problem for Google to downgrade those users to targetSdkVersion 22 where there is the old permission system.

所以要修复它,您应该更新您的新版本以使用 targetSdkVersion 23:

So to fix it, you should update your new build to use targetSdkVersion 23 :

<uses-sdk android:targetSdkVersion="23"/>


and so make sure you manage the new permission system.

这篇关于Google Play 不允许我更新我的应用的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-30 12:44