

我有一个小应用程序(这里) 用于显示应用列表.

I have a small app (here) for showing a list of apps.


Recently, I was informed that there is an app (here) that shows a list of purchased apps, including their prices.

我已经对其进行了测试,它确实显示了所有购买的应用程序,就像在 Google Play 网站上一样 (这里)

I've tested it, and it indeed shows all of the purchased apps, just like on the Google Play website (here)


I didn't even know it's possible to get such a list, so after I've searched the Internet, and here, I still don't get how this was done.

我所知道的是,这个应用程序使用用户的一些身份验证,从他的 Google 帐户中获取应用程序列表.

All I know is that this app uses some authentication from the user, to get the list of apps from his Google account.

而且,我发现有一些非官方的库(大多数都非常非常旧)可以从 Play 商店获取应用程序的信息,但似乎没有任何官方的.

And, all I've found is that there are some non-official libraries (most are very very old) to get information of apps from the Play Store, but nothing seems official.

  1. 什么API可以用来获取已购买应用的信息?

  1. What is the API that can be used to get information of purchased apps?


Can it do more ? Maybe perform search? Maybe show free apps that were installed? Maybe the time they were installed and uninstalled? And the categories of those apps?

使用此 API 有什么特殊要求吗?

Are there any special requirements for using this API ?



Because this question has a bounty, it doesn't let me point to the duplicate so I'll do it here.


It looks like there's a post that has as good an answer as you could get here.

总而言之,您似乎想向 Google 请求许可(通过 GoogleSignIn).然后从帖子:

The long and short of it seems to be that you'd want to request permission from Google (via GoogleSignIn). Then from the post:



And then the answer goes onto cover how querying the packagemanager can get you access to the apps installed:

包管理器将检索设备上当前安装的所有应用的列表.PackageInfo 提供有关应用程序的详细信息.INSTALL_REASON_USER 还会过滤掉用户主动安装的应用程序.

您可能需要查看 com.google.firebase.appindexing 和记录用户操作.可以跟踪不同的操作.

You might want to look at com.google.firebase.appindexing and Log User Actions. Different actions can be tracked.

用户帐户历史记录位于 https://myactivity.google.com/myactivity.

The users account history is found at https://myactivity.google.com/myactivity.

一个有用的链接是 OAuth 2.0 Playground.

A helpful link is the OAuth 2.0 Playground.


I'd highly recommend continuing any conversation on that thread, as it seems to be more active and have more upvotes.


07-30 12:33