本文介绍了如何使Unity3D成为Android Studio中的活动?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我最近使用Unity3D开发了一个AR程序,并将其构建为移动应用程序.现在,我打算将Unity程序导入Android Studio,以便可以将其作为活动类.

I recently developed an AR program using Unity3D and built it as a mobile application program. Right now, I am planning to import the Unity program into Android Studio so that I can make it as an activity class.


For example, I create a button called 'Start' and when the user taps the 'Start' button, the app opens the Unity program where the camera is activated.


Is this possible? If so, what should I do to make this possible?




There is no direct way to do this, when you build your project from unity you will generate an apk file that will start the unity activity/engine at start


you have two approaches to do this:

方法1 :将Android平台统一转换,并通过在构建设置窗口中选中Google Android Project复选框,将您的unity项目编译为android studio项目,这将为生成一个Android Studio项目您可以打开它并根据需要对其进行操作,然后将开始活动更改为您的活动,并在需要时启动统一活动

Approach 1: switch platform for android in unity and compile your unity project to android studio project by checking the Google Android Project check box from the build settings window, this will generate an Android Studio project for you and you can open it and manipulate it as you like and change the starting activity to yours and launch unity activity when you want

方法2 :在android studio中实现您的活动并将代码编译为jar或aar文件,并将其作为一个插件添加到unity中,现在您需要操纵Unity中的清单以自行启动从你的活动而不是团结的活动中

Approach 2: Implement your activity in android studio and compile your code to jar or aar file and add it to unity as a plugin, now you need to manipulate the manifest in Unity its self to start from your activity and not unity's activity


I don't think the second way is that practical, the first is much betterHowever, this means you need to compile a new project each time you want to edit something in the unity code, if your project in unity is finalized, this will work will for you, otherwise, you need to deal with compiling and not overriding your changes each time your self

这篇关于如何使Unity3D成为Android Studio中的活动?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-30 12:26