

本文介绍了Google Play游戏服务提醒:“检测到不正确的实施”的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我最近在Google Play开发者控制台收到了以下关于我的游戏的提醒:





  1. 这些警报是否有错误?是否有可能我的应用程序是好的,或者肯定是我做错了什么?

  2. 如果我的应用程序出现问题,我该怎么去关于修复这个?什么是导致此消息的常见错误来源? 他们会删除我的应用程序/终止我的帐户,如果我不做点什么吗? / p>


    我已将上传的修改后的应用上传到Google Play。当警告消失时,我会与您分享信息。

    I recently received the following alert for my game in the Google Play Developer Console:

    It provides a link to a help page but the page only provides the following information:

    This does not help me because it mentions invitations (which my app does not use) instead of achievements.

    I find it strange that I am getting the error now as I published the last update in May. I am also able to earn achievements when using the app myself, so the fact that I get this message bugs me.

    Can you answer these questions:

    1. Are these alerts ever erroneous? Is it possible my app is fine after all, or is there definitely something I did wrong?

    2. If there is something wrong with my app, how do I go about fixing this? What are common sources of error that cause this message?

    3. Is this message supposed to be a friendly reminder that I am doing something wrong or is it a warning that they will remove my app/terminate my account if I don't do something about it?

    Thanks for the help.


    Google had updated the information about the "Detected incorrect implementation".Please check the your "a help page".

    I also encountered this warning and check the app really do not follow the checklist of google play services about achievements.Please re-check your app whether it follows the Required rows in the checklist.

    I have already uploaded my modified app to google play.When the warning disappears, I will share the information with you.

    这篇关于Google Play游戏服务提醒:“检测到不正确的实施”的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-30 12:20