

我在一种设置中使用图表",在该设置中,用户将希望看到以不同比例绘制的相同数据.特别是,我需要能够将轴域最大值设置为小于最大数据值(dataMax). 例如,我想在dataMax为20时设置domain={[0,10]}.每当我将域最大值设置为小于dataMax时,都会绘制我的图,以便该域无论如何都升至dataMax.有办法吗?

I'm using Recharts in a setting where users will want to see the same data plotted at different scales. In particular, I need to be able to set the axis domain maximum to be lower than the maximum data value (dataMax); e.g., I want to set domain={[0,10]} when dataMax is 20. I have yet to find a way to do this in Recharts; whenever I set a domain maximum that is lower than dataMax, my plot is drawn so that the domain goes up to dataMax anyway. Is there a way to do this?



I've found a way to do this. You need to use the functional syntax, which I had already tried, but without any reference to dataMax in the function. So this is what worked for me:

domain={[ 0, dataMax => (10) ]}

您当然可以在括号内使用更详细的代码;诀窍是您不能以任何降低其值的方式使用dataMax变量.也就是说,您不能使用dataMax => (dataMax/2)dataMax => (dataMax - 10).

You can of course use more elaborate code inside the parentheses; the trick is that you cannot use the dataMax variable in any way that reduces its value. That is, you can't use, say dataMax => (dataMax/2) or dataMax => (dataMax - 10).


07-30 10:13