本文介绍了MouseEvent无法在Internet Explorer中运行的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


是我吗?这是我的IE吗?或者为什么这段代码不适用于IE 11:

Is it me? Is it my IE? or why is this code not working on IE 11:

var clicker = new MouseEvent("click", {
  'bubbles': true,
  'cancelable': true,
  'view': window,
  'detail': 0,
  'screenX': 0,
  'screenY': 0,
  'clientX': 0,
  'clientY': 0,
  'ctrlKey': false,
  'altKey': false,
  'shiftKey': false,
  'metaKey': false,
  'button': 0,
  'relatedTarget': null


I get "Object doesn't support this action" on the console (F12). I had to come up with a workaround, but I just don't get why is the previous code not working (by the way, the previous code comes from here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ie/dn905219(v=vs.85).aspx (Creating and firing synthetic events).Workaround:

if (typeof MouseEvent !== 'function') {
    (function (){
        var _MouseEvent = window.MouseEvent;
        window.MouseEvent = function (type, dict){
            dict = dict | {};
            var event = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
                    (typeof dict.bubbles == 'undefined') ? true : !!dict.bubbles,
                    (typeof dict.cancelable == 'undefined') ? false : !!dict.cancelable,
                    dict.view || window,
                    dict.detail | 0,
                    dict.screenX | 0,
                    dict.screenY | 0,
                    dict.clientX | 0,
                    dict.clientY | 0,
                    dict.button | 0,
                    dict.relatedTarget || null
            return event;

这笔交易是我想将已弃用的createEvent / initXXXXEvent迁移到新的form(var event = new XXXXEvent(...))尽可能不依赖于弃用的方法。

The deal is that I want to migrate the deprecated createEvent/initXXXXEvent to the new form (var event = new XXXXEvent(...) ) whenever possible and not rely on the deprecated methods.


MSDN来自您提供的链接的文档表明DOM L4事件构造函数模式的新语法:

The MSDN documentation from the link you provided indicates that the new syntax for the DOM L4 event constructor pattern:


which is a different version of IE from what you are using. So it's expected that IE11 does not support this feature

这篇关于MouseEvent无法在Internet Explorer中运行的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-13 15:28