

尝试在内部类内部使用一个类的本地成员时遇到此错误.我知道将其声明为final将解决此问题,但我读到Java 8应该自动处理它,因为我将Intellij与Java 8一起使用,但它仍然无法编译.还有其他方法可以在不将其声明为final的情况下进行修复吗?谢谢.

I've got this error while trying to use a local member of one class in inner class inside.I know that declare it as final will solve the issue but I read that Java 8 should handle it automaticlly, I'm using Intellij with Java 8 and it still does not compile.Is there any other way to fix it without declare it as final?thanks.


如果变量有效地是 final ,则Java 8将对其进行处理.

Java 8 will handle it if the variable is effectively final.


I can think of two possible explanations:

  1. 该变量可能不是最终有效的.尝试显式声明为final.如果遇到编译错误(例如,说某事正在尝试修改final),则该变量实际上不是最终变量.

  1. Maybe the variable is not effectively final. Try explicitly declaring it as final. If you get a compilation error (e.g. saying that something is trying to modify the final) then the variable isn't effectively final.

也许您尚未针对Java 8正确配置Intellij和项目.例如

Maybe you haven't configured Intellij and the project properly for Java 8; e.g.


08-22 12:53