

我正在使用python创建大小为5x5的高斯滤波器.我在此处看到了这篇文章,他们在谈论类似的事情但是我没有找到确切的方法来获取等效的python代码到matlab函数fspecial('gaussian', f_wid, sigma)还有其他方法吗?我尝试使用以下代码:

I am using python to create a gaussian filter of size 5x5.I saw this post here where they talk about a similar thing but I didn't find the exact way to get equivalent python code to matlab function fspecial('gaussian', f_wid, sigma)Is there any other way to do it?I tried using the following code :

size = 2
sizey = None
size = int(size)
if not sizey:
    sizey = size
    sizey = int(sizey)
x, y = scipy.mgrid[-size: size + 1, -sizey: sizey + 1]
g = scipy.exp(- (x ** 2/float(size) + y ** 2 / float(sizey)))
print g / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)


[[ 0.00730688  0.03274718  0.05399097  0.03274718  0.00730688]
 [ 0.03274718  0.14676266  0.24197072  0.14676266  0.03274718]
 [ 0.05399097  0.24197072  0.39894228  0.24197072  0.05399097]
 [ 0.03274718  0.14676266  0.24197072  0.14676266  0.03274718]
 [ 0.00730688  0.03274718  0.05399097  0.03274718  0.00730688]]


   0.0029690   0.0133062   0.0219382   0.0133062   0.0029690
   0.0133062   0.0596343   0.0983203   0.0596343   0.0133062
   0.0219382   0.0983203   0.1621028   0.0983203   0.0219382
   0.0133062   0.0596343   0.0983203   0.0596343   0.0133062
   0.0029690   0.0133062   0.0219382   0.0133062   0.0029690


一般来说,如果您真的想获得与MATLAB完全相同的结果,最简单的方法通常是直接查看MATLAB的来源. MATLAB函数.

In general terms if you really care about getting the the exact same result as MATLAB, the easiest way to achieve this is often by looking directly at the source of the MATLAB function.

在这种情况下,edit fspecial:

  case 'gaussian' % Gaussian filter

     siz   = (p2-1)/2;
     std   = p3;

     [x,y] = meshgrid(-siz(2):siz(2),-siz(1):siz(1));
     arg   = -(x.*x + y.*y)/(2*std*std);

     h     = exp(arg);
     h(h<eps*max(h(:))) = 0;

     sumh = sum(h(:));
     if sumh ~= 0,
       h  = h/sumh;


Pretty simple, eh? It's <10mins work to port this to Python:

import numpy as np

def matlab_style_gauss2D(shape=(3,3),sigma=0.5):
    2D gaussian mask - should give the same result as MATLAB's
    m,n = [(ss-1.)/2. for ss in shape]
    y,x = np.ogrid[-m:m+1,-n:n+1]
    h = np.exp( -(x*x + y*y) / (2.*sigma*sigma) )
    h[ h < np.finfo(h.dtype).eps*h.max() ] = 0
    sumh = h.sum()
    if sumh != 0:
        h /= sumh
    return h


This gives me the same answer as fspecial to within rounding error:

 >> fspecial('gaussian',5,1)

 0.002969     0.013306     0.021938     0.013306     0.002969
 0.013306     0.059634      0.09832     0.059634     0.013306
 0.021938      0.09832       0.1621      0.09832     0.021938
 0.013306     0.059634      0.09832     0.059634     0.013306
 0.002969     0.013306     0.021938     0.013306     0.002969

 : matlab_style_gauss2D((5,5),1)

array([[ 0.002969,  0.013306,  0.021938,  0.013306,  0.002969],
       [ 0.013306,  0.059634,  0.09832 ,  0.059634,  0.013306],
       [ 0.021938,  0.09832 ,  0.162103,  0.09832 ,  0.021938],
       [ 0.013306,  0.059634,  0.09832 ,  0.059634,  0.013306],
       [ 0.002969,  0.013306,  0.021938,  0.013306,  0.002969]])


08-14 01:04