

使用网页搜索很难找到Delphi文档。文件通常被埋在远离命中列表顶部的位置。例如,Google搜索 delphi setlength 可获得以下结果:

指向官方Embarcadero文档的第一个命中是第8位,列表的底部为如上所示。但是它是Delphi 2009文档的链接。理想情况下,我想查找最新版本的文档。



导航搜索 SetLength ,结果是:



  • site:docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/XE5 SetLength

  • 网站:docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries SetLength

  • site:docwiki.embarcadero.com SetLength

作为一个捷径,您通常可以输入搜索字词并添加 docwiki delphi 。这通常足以说服搜索引擎只返回Embarcadero命中。所以您可以搜索: docwiki delphi SetLength 并获取此结果:

最后一点。如果您发现自己在Stack Overflow上写下答案,并且想要链接到文档,还可以使用从URL中删除版本的技巧。这样一个URL被重定向到最新版本。所以,继续 SetLength ,你可以替换:



It can be hard to find Delphi documentation using web search. Often the documentation is buried far from the top of the list of hits. For instance a Google search for delphi setlength yields this result:

The first hit that points to the official Embarcadero documentation is in 8th place, the bottom of the list as shown above. But it's a link to the documentation for Delphi 2009. Ideally I would like to find documentation for the latest version.


You can navigate to the front page of the Embarcadero documentation and search from there. The link is: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/en/Main_Page

Note that no version is included in the link. If you navigate to that link then the site will re-direct you to a version specific URL for the latest release. In this case, as I write this today, you would be re-directed to: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/XE5/en/Main_Page

If you wish to search documentation for a specific version, then you can supply that version in the URL.

You can type the search term into the search box at the top-left of the page, as shown in this screen capture:

However, the results are disappointing. Here they are:

Gah! Where's the documentation for the SetLength function?

Better results are obtained if you use the Libraries section of the documentation as your portal. That is found here: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/en/Main_Page

Navigate there are search for SetLength and the results are:

And this is exactly what we are looking for.

Sometimes I still start with a web search because in my experience a good web search engine can produce more relevant results. So, using Google as an example, you might try these search terms:

  • site:docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/XE5 SetLength
  • site:docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries SetLength
  • site:docwiki.embarcadero.com SetLength

As a short cut you can usually get away with typing your search term and adding docwiki and delphi. That's usually enough to persuade the search engine to only return Embarcadero hits. So you might search for: docwiki delphi SetLength and get this result:

One final point. If you find yourself writing an answer here on Stack Overflow, and want to link to the documentation, you can also use the trick of removing the version from the URL. Such a URL gets re-directed to the latest version. So, continuing with SetLength, you might replace:




Using this approach could make your answer more future-proof.


07-30 09:51