My problem is that I want to minimize a window via batch file after window-start.
如何通过cmd最小化应用程序窗口? pid是已知的。我的操作系统是win7。
How to minimize a application-window from cmd? The pid is known. My OS is win7.
这里是一个Batch / VBScript解决方案,不需要额外的软件:
Here is a Batch/VBScript solution which requires no additional software:
@echo Off
if \{%1\}==\{\} @echo Syntax: MinimizePID PID & goto :EOF
if exist "%TEMP%\MinimizePID.vbs" del /f %TEMP%\MinimizePID.vbs
@echo dim objArguments, pid>"%TEMP%\MinimizePID.vbs"
@echo Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")>>"%TEMP%\MinimizePID.vbs"
@echo Set objArguments = Wscript.Arguments>>"%TEMP%\MinimizePID.vbs"
@echo pid = objArguments(0)>>"%TEMP%\MinimizePID.vbs"
@echo WshShell.AppActivate pid>>"%TEMP%\MinimizePID.vbs"
@set "line=%%+ n"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
@echo WshShell.SendKeys "!line!">>"%TEMP%\MinimizePID.vbs"
cscript //nologo "%TEMP%\MinimizePID.vbs" %1
Assume pid.txt has the PID of the process whose window you want to minimize. Save this batch file as MinimizePID.bat and invoke it in this way:
for /f %i in (pid.txt) do call MinimizePID %I
The only tricky part here was getting the SendKeys to work to send the Minimize window command. You probably could code this as purely VBScript. Also note this will work only on US Windows - key shortcuts are different in localized versions.
Thanks to How can I maximize, restore, or minimize a window with a vb script? for the approach.