

基本上,标题说什么。 (请原谅我,因为我是一个.NET福利局)

Basically what the title says. (Forgive me because I am a .NET newb)

在我的部门,我们有一个服务器上运行.NET 3.5和自从我进入这个部分,我一直在使用LINQ。不过,我开始在不同的服务器(显然)在个人项目,所以2个问题:

In my department, we have a server running .net 3.5 and ever since I got into this section I have been using LINQ. However, I am starting a personal project on a different server (obviously), so 2 questions:


What do I need to get up and running with LINQ?


What does the server need to run LINQ?

将.NET 2.0的工作在服务器上?

Will .net 2.0 work on the server?


The code behind would be C# if that matters.


Would I have to compile it in 3.5 or would 2.0 work?



To get up and running, I would definitely recommend checking out LINQ in Action.

您编译器需要<一个href="http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=333325FD-AE52-4E35-B531-508D977D32A6&displaylang=en"相对=nofollow> .NET 3.5框架。如果您在复制仅编code,那么你将不需要3.5 您的服务器上,你只需要在开发机器上。这可以帮助,如果您的服务器管理员不愿意在服务器上安装的3.5框架。但是,如果要发布源$ C ​​$ C,说要开发服务器进行编译,然后是该服务器将需要3.5。

Your compiler needs to be .NET 3.5 framework. If you are copying over only compiled code, then you will not need 3.5 on your server, you only need it on your development machine. This can help if your server admin is unwilling to install the 3.5 framework on your server. However, if you are publishing source code, say to a development server to compile, then yes that server will need 3.5.

一旦你已经安装了3.5框架,你可以运行网络应用程序无论是作为2.0或3.5。所有你需要做的就是在的Web.Config 的文件。

Once you have the 3.5 framework installed, you can run web apps either as 2.0 or 3.5. All you have to do is specify it in your Web.Config file.

如果您有兴趣与LINQ合作,SQL和管理DBML文件,你需要的。但是,Visual Studio 2005中仍然编译dbml的文件正确,因为你已经安装了3.5框架。

If you are interested in working with LINQ to SQL and managing dbml files, you will need Visual Studio 2008. However, Visual Studio 2005 will still compile dbml files properly, given that you have the 3.5 framework installed.


07-30 08:28