本文介绍了使用 SVN 设置持续集成的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


您会推荐哪些工具来设置 CI 以构建和部署在 DotNetNuke 上使用 SVN 进行源代码控制的多个网站?

What tools would you recommend for setting up CI for build and deployment of multiple websites built on DotNetNuke using SVN for source control?

我们目前正在考虑将 Cruise Control 配置为使用 NAnt、NUnit、NCover 和 Trac 作为测试用例.还有哪些其他组合值得研究?

We are currently looking at configuring Cruise Control to work with NAnt, NUnit, NCover and Trac as a test case. What other combinations would worth investigating?

我们可以完全控制我们的开发环境,因此可以肯定使用某种形式的 CI,但我也想说服我们的生产服务团队,他们可以使用这些工具可靠地部署到系统测试、uat 甚至生产环境.

We have full control of our development environment so using some form of CI is certain here but I would also like to convince our production services team that they can reliably deploy to the system test, uat and even production environments using these tools.


我们将 CruiseControl 与 NUnit、NCover、FxCop、SVN 和一些我们自己编写的自定义工具一起使用来生成报告.在我看来,它已被证明(在过去几年中)是一个出色的组合.

We use CruiseControl with NUnit, NCover, FxCop, SVN and some custom tools we wrote ourselves to produce the reports. In my opinion it has proven (over the last few years) to be an excellent combination.

令人沮丧的是,MS 将其所有集成工具都限制为 VSTS.它的测试框架和 NUnit 一样好,但你不能使用它的代码覆盖工具或其他任何东西.

It's frustrating that MS restricts all of its integration tools to VSTS. Its test framework is as good as NUnit, but you can't use its code coverage tools or anything else.

我会查看 XNuit - 它看起来很有前途(但目前缺少 UI).

I'd check out XNuit - it's looking pretty promising (but currently lacking UI).

我们自动化夜间构建,您可以自动化 UAT 和手动测试构建,但我不确定我们是否想要自动化发布到我们的生产服务器.即使有任何变化都足够重要,以至于无论如何都必须有人监视它.

We automate nightly builds, and you could automate UAT and manual test builds, but I'm not sure that we'd ever want to automate the release to our production servers. Even if it were any change would be important enough that someone would have to watch over it anyway.

这篇关于使用 SVN 设置持续集成的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-04 17:49