

如果在我的某些标签中执行了alert(),则会立即选中此标签。问题是 - 这个警报()框很难看。我用我的设计创建了所有..但是当我调用它时 - 选项卡没有被选中/聚焦。

If in some of my tabs alert() is executed, then this tab becomes selected instantly. The thing is - this alert() box is ugly. I have created with my design and all.. But when I call it - tab is not selected/focused.window.focus(); does not work. Any ideas?


您无法可靠地强制窗口或标签抓取焦点。有些浏览器比其他浏览器更容易理解:IE通常会允许它,但Firefox必须由用户配置才能允许它,而Safari基本上永远不会尊重焦点请求。 (好吧,几乎没有。)

You cannot reliably force windows or tabs to grab focus. Some browsers are more amenable to the idea than others: IE will generally allow it, but Firefox has to be configured by the user to allow it, and Safari will basically never honor a focus request. (Well, almost never.)


07-30 08:25