本文介绍了索引超出范围异常 - {" specific"}的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!




2905空运100.000 100 10000.000 0.000 0.000

2905海关4500.00 1 0.000 4500.000 675.000

2906 THC 250.000 1 0.000 250.000 38.000

2906 XYZ 5000.00 1 5000.000 0.0000 0.0000

在窗口形式中,我有一个名为Tbblbillto.Text的文本框,用于搜索bill no和Datagrid,其名称如下。什么时候我会打字在文本框中,如何将所有数据从sql数据库数据表中收集到账单no并在datagrid中显示?请帮助如何完成这项工作。实际上,我正在为自己的工作而工作,从不经历任何软件或学习。



I have SQL DataBase with following tables details;

Bill No Particular Price Unit Amount Taxamount Tax
2905 Airfreight 100.000 100 10000.000 0.000 0.000
2905 Customs 4500.00 1 0.000 4500.000 675.000
2906 THC 250.000 1 0.000 250.000 38.000
2906 XYZ 5000.00 1 5000.000 0.0000 0.0000

In window form i have a textbox named as Tbblbillto.Text to search bill no and Datagrid with following name. when i will type bill no. in textbox, how all the data can collect from sql database data table against the bill no and display in the datagrid ?? Please help how can get this done. actually i am miking it for my own work and never experience any software or studied.

Particular Price Unit Amount Taxamount Tax

What I have tried:

Private Sub Tbblbillto_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Tbblbillto.TextChanged

      Dim Cmd As New SqlClient.SqlCommand
      Dim Con As New SqlClient.SqlConnection
      Dim Rd As SqlDataReader
      Con.ConnectionString = "Data Source=(localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB;Initial Catalog=dbase;Integrated Security=True;Pooling=False"
      Cmd.Connection = Con
      Cmd.CommandText = "Select * from Bill where BillNo = '" & Tbblbillto.Text & "'"
      Rd = Cmd.ExecuteReader
      If Rd.HasRows Then
          Dtpblbilldate.Text = Rd.Item("BillDate")
          Dudblmode.Text = Rd.Item("Smode")
          Dudbltype.Text = Rd.Item("Stype")
          Lbcur.Text = Rd.Item("Curency")
          Tbbljobno.Text = Rd.Item("JOBNo")
          Dtpbljobdt.Text = Rd.Item("JobDate")
          Tbbillexr.Text = Rd.Item("ExRate")
          Tbblcrdit.Text = Rd.Item("CreditPeriod")
          Lbbillno.Text = Rd.Item("BillNoType")
          Tbbillcltid.Text = Rd.Item("ClientID")
          Tbblname.Text = Rd.Item("BillTo")
          Tbblmawb.Text = Rd.Item("MAWBBLNo")
          Dtblmawbdt.Text = Rd.Item("MAWBBLDate")
          Tbblhawb.Text = Rd.Item("HAWBBLNo")
          Dtblhawbdt.Text = Rd.Item("HAWBBLDate")
          Tbblorg.Text = Rd.Item("Origin")
          Tbblpol.Text = Rd.Item("POL")
          Tbbldst.Text = Rd.Item("Dest")
          Tbblpod.Text = Rd.Item("POD")
          Tbblpro.Text = Rd.Item("Products")
          Tbblinv.Text = Rd.Item("ShInvNo")
          Dtblinvdt.Text = Rd.Item("ShInvdt")
          Tbblqty.Text = Rd.Item("Qty")
          Tbblgwt.Text = Rd.Item("Gwt")
          Tbblcwt.Text = Rd.Item("Cwt")
          Tbblacof.Text = Rd.Item("Acof")
          Tbblcarrier.Text = Rd.Item("Carrier")
          Dudblfreight.Text = Rd.Item("Freight")
          Dudblterms.Text = Rd.Item("Incotrm")
          Cmd.CommandText = "Select BillNo from BillDetails Where BillNo = '" & Tbblbillto.Text & "'"
          Rd = Cmd.ExecuteReader
          If Rd.HasRows Then
              Dim Row As DataGridViewRow
              Dim I As Integer
              For I = 0 To Dgvbillsa.Rows.Count - 1
                  Row = Dgvbillsa.Rows(I)
                  Using SqlCommand As New SqlCommand
                      Row.Cells(0).Value = Rd.Item("Particular") (Error Here)
                      Row.Cells(1).Value = Rd.Item("Price")
                      Row.Cells(2).Value = Rd.Item("Unit")
                      Row.Cells(3).Value = Rd.Item("Amount")
                      Row.Cells(4).Value = Rd.Item("TaxAmount")
                      Row.Cells(5).Value = Rd.Item("Tax")
                  End Using
          End If

      ElseIf Len(Tbblbillto.Text) > 3 Then
          MsgBox("No Invoice Record Found", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "MODIFY BILL")
          CmdEdit.Enabled = False
      End If

  End Sub


Dim Int As Integer
Row = Dgvbillsa.Rows(Int) (Here is Error)

您应该尝试设置使用之前 int 的值。

You should try to set the value of int before using it.

Cmd.CommandText = "Select * from BillDetails Where BillNo = '" & Tbblbillto.Text & "'"



名称中的单引号和程序崩溃。如果像Brian O'Conner这样的用户输入可能会使您的应用程序崩溃,那么这是一个SQL注入漏洞。



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07-30 08:08