


Can anyone explain the difference between them? I think scope provides a reference(e.g. Job) to cancel them and context provides a reference to underlying thread. Is that so?



They are indeed closely related. You might say that CoroutineScope formalizes the way the CoroutineContext is inherited.


CoroutineScope has no data on its own, it just holds a CoroutineContext. Its key role is as the implicit receiver of the block you pass to launch, async etc.


runBlocking {
    val scope0 = this
    // scope0 is the top-level coroutine scope.
    scope0.launch {
        val scope1 = this
        // scope1 inherits its context from scope0. It replaces the Job field
        // with its own job, which is a child of the job in scope0.
        // It retains the Dispatcher field so the launched coroutine uses
        // the dispatcher created by runBlocking.
        scope1.launch {
            val scope2 = this
            // scope2 inherits from scope1

您可以看到CoroutineScope如何协调协程上下文的继承.如果您在scope1中取消作业,则该作业将传播到scope2,并且也将取消launch ed作业.

You can see how the CoroutineScope mediates the inheritance of coroutine contexts. If you cancel the job in scope1, this will propagate to scope2 and will cancel the launched job as well.


Note the key syntactical feature: I explicitly wrote scope0.launch, but had I written just launch, it would implicitly mean exactly the same thing. This is how CoroutineScope helps to "automatically" propagate the scope.


07-30 07:58